Blog: Complete
These are all 2623 blog posts.
March 2025
Faster branch coverage measurement #coverage
January 2025
Intricate interleaved iteration #python
Nat running #friends-&-family #photos
December 2024
Testing some tidbits #python #testing
Dinner #autism #friends-&-family #parenting
November 2024 originally #coverage
October 2024
GitHub action security: zizmor #github #security
Git aliases: switch to mainster, etc #git
September 2024
Changelog automation #documentation
Changelog philosophy #dev-mindset #documentation
Cleaning up a messy branch #git
Cogged GitHub profile #cog #github #me
August 2024
Coverage branches instead of arcs #coverage
July 2024
Pushing back on sys.monitoring #coverage
June 2024
Coverage at a crossroads #coverage
Math factoid of the day: 62 #math #me
May 2024
One way to fix Python circular imports #python
Echos of the People API user guide #coverage #pycon
April 2024
Try it: function/class coverage report #coverage
March 2024
Is this for autistic people? #special-olympics #swimming
Does Python have pointers? #programming-languages #python
February 2024
Updated multi-parameter interactive Jupyter notebook #jupyter
One way to package Python code right now #python
January 2024
I am at liberty #me #work #edx
You (probably) don’t need to learn C #dev-mindset
Randomly sub-setting test suites #my-code #testing
December 2023 with sys.monitoring #coverage
November 2023
Say it again: values not expressions #beginners #python
Debug helpers in #coverage #debugging #dev-mindset
October 2023
Reflected energy #open-source #people
Where did everyone go? #irc #mastodon #pycon #twitter
September 2023
The myth of the myth of learning styles #beginners #education
Advice to beginners #beginners #education
August 2023
Alan Kay’s objects and arts #education #history #programming-languages
July 2023
Small talk #communication #people
Untangle your own adventure #education #python
June 2023
Math factoid of the day: 61 #math #me
Special Olympics swimming #special-olympics #swimming
Multi-syntax configuration examples #cog #coverage #documentation
May 2023
Scriv on Test & Code #audio #me
PyCon 2023 keynote #communication #me #pycon
April 2023
March 2023
Beginner sprint on #coverage #development
February 2023
Late initialization, reconsidered #coding #python
Late initialization with mypy #coding #python
January 2023
Scriv 1.2: create GitHub releases #my-code #scriv
Same words, different meanings #programming-languages
December 2022
Talk Python to Me: Tools for README #audio #me
Secure maintainer workflow, continued #security
November 2022
Mastodon: servers, good and bad #twitter
Secure maintainer workflow #security
October 2022
Ideal open source #open-source
September 2022
Making a coverage badge #continuous-integration #coverage #github #how-to
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
Math factoid of the day: 60 #math #me
Adding a dunder to an object #python
May 2022
Custom search keywords #browsers
Cairo in Jupyter, better #graphics #jupyter
Twitter tidbits #python #twitter
April 2022
Python custom formatting #python
Singleton is a bad idea #development #python
March 2022
Dinghy digests #github #my-code
February 2022
Why your mock still doesn’t work #python #testing
Moving a git branch to a new base #git
January 2022
Refactoring Boston #boston #maps
December 2021
Gem: exploding string alternatives #gems #python
Load-balanced xdist #my-code #testing
November 2021
Computing a GitHub Action matrix with cog #cog #continuous-integration #github #how-to
Coverage goals #coverage #my-code
October 2021
Django Chat podcast #audio #me
September 2021
August 2021
Me on Bug Hunters Café #audio #me
July 2021
June 2021
Math factoid of the day: 59 icosahedra #math #me
May 2021
What’s in which Python 3.7–3.9? #python
Cherry-picking a pull request #git
April 2021
Shazam for fractals? #graphics #math and third-party code #coverage
March 2021
Gefilte Fish: gmail filter creation #email #my-code
Machete mode: tagging frames #debugging
Beginners in a sea of experts #beginners #experts
February 2021
Pandemic walks #boston #walking
January 2021
Perspective juggling #juggling
December 2020
Experimenting with git storage #git
Favicons with ImageMagick #graphics
November 2020
30% of people can juggle #juggling
October 2020
Ordered dict surprises #python
Working with many git repos #git #shells
Değişken Deyince Ne Anlamalı? #site
September 2020
How to be helpful online #beginners #experts #online #people
August 2020
Do a pile of work better #concurrency #python
Do a pile of work #concurrency #python
You should include your tests in coverage #coverage #testing
July 2020
Dark mode, continued #css #site
June 2020
Math factoid of the day: 58 #math #me
Black lives matter #politics #society
May 2020
What I think is good and bad #irc #python
Not much #autism #friends-&-family #walking
April 2020
Please report bugs in this site #online #site
March 2020
How long did it take you to learn Python? #beginners #education #python
Functional strategies in Python #dev-mindset #python
February 2020
Getting Started Testing with pytest #testing
Re-using my presentations #online #presentations
sys.getsizeof is not what you want #python
January 2020
Bug #915: please help! #coverage #help
December 2019
Season’s greetings #friends-&-family
Fancy console output in GitHub comments #github #hacks #shells
Pytest trick: subsetting unknown suites #testing
Coverage 5.0, finally #coverage
Sleepy snake #art #coverage #friends-&-family
November 2019
Support windows bar calendar #my-code
October 2019
Debugging TensorFlow coverage #debugging
Pytest-cov support for who-tests-what #coverage
Sponsor me on GitHub? #github #open-source
September 2019 5.0a7, and the future of pytest-cov #coverage
August 2019
Don’t omit tests from coverage #coverage
Why your mock doesn’t work #python #testing
July 2019 5.0a6: context reporting #coverage
June 2019
Changelog podcast: me, double-dipping #audio #coverage #me #edx
A year of light and dark #autism #friends-&-family #parenting
Marketing factoid of the day: 57 varieties #me
Corporations and open source: why and how #open-source
May 2019
Why Python class syntax should be different #python 5.0a5: pytest contexts #coverage
April 2019
March 2019
Circle of Mad Libs #games #parenting
February 2019
January 2019
Drawing Cairo SVG in a Jupyter notebook #graphics #jupyter
December 2018
A thing I learned about Python recursion #python
Advent of code presentation #presentations #puzzles #python
Quick hack CSV review tool #my-code
November 2018 5.0a4: the sys.path to hell #coverage
Careful with negative assertions #python #testing
October 2018
Why warnings is mysterious #python
Who tests what is here: 5.0a3 #coverage
September 2018
Me on Talk Python To Me #audio #coverage #me #python #edx
Fixing PT Serif #site #typography 5.0a2: SQLite storage #coverage
August 2018
A complicated weekend #autism #friends-&-family #parenting #walking
SQLite data storage for #coverage
Fighting spam on freenode #irc #malware
July 2018
June 2018 is on GitHub #coverage #github
Math factoid of the day: 56 #math #me
May 2018
Money for cotton candy #autism #friends-&-family #parenting
April 2018
March 2018
Is Python interpreted or compiled? Yes. #java #programming-languages #python
What’s in which Python 3.4–3.6? #python
February 2018
January 2018
Python’s misleading readability #python
December 2017
Iter-tools for puzzles: oddity #coding #puzzles #python
Bite-sized command line tools: pylintdb #linters #python
November 2017
Candy in my pocket #me #phones
Finding your first OSS project #development #open-source
Toxic experts #experts #online #people
October 2017
How code slows as data grows #development
September 2017
Beginners and experts #beginners #dev-mindset #experts
August 2017 podcast #audio #coverage #me
July 2017
Finding fuzzy floats #algorithms
June 2017
Triangular Fibonacci numbers #math
Math factoid of the day: 55 #math #me
May 2017
Re-ruling .rst #documentation #python
April 2017
Text-mode menu bar indicators #mac
Clean-text bookmarklet #javascript #typography #web
March 2017
February 2017
A tale of two exceptions, continued #python
January 2017
A tale of two exceptions #python 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, and 4.3.4 #coverage
Evil ninja module initialization #python
No PyCon for me this year #pycon
December 2016
D’oh: 4.3.1 #coverage
Finding test coupling #debugging #development #testing
November 2016
October 2016
Multi-parameter Jupyter notebook interaction #jupyter
September 2016
Computing primes with CSS #css #hacks
Don’t follow me on Instagram #online #photos
August 2016
Walks in the morning #autism #friends-&-family #parenting #walking
Breaking out of two loops #python
July 2016 4.2 beta 1 #coverage
June 2016
Math factoid of the day: 54 #math #me
Loudest guy in the room #experts #people
May 2016
PyCon 2016: Machete-mode debugging #pycon
Ben portrait #art #friends-&-family
Generator comprehensions #history #python 4.1b3 and the truth about #coverage
April 2016
Two great jugglers: Koblikov and Hayashi #juggling
Alex Nair Bhak, 1997–2016 #obituaries #parenting
Lato’s unfortunate ligatures #typography
March 2016
13-year-old game, 11-year-old programmer #gatherings #online
John Higginson Cabot #boston #history #obituaries
February 2016
Stellated icosahedron shirt #juggling #math
The value of unit tests #audio #python #testing
January 2016
Python testing, book and podcast #python #testing
Collecting pings from software? #help
Isolated @memoize #python #testing
December 2015
Flip turns and five balls #juggling #me #swimming
Advent of Code #coding #education
November 2015
Funding free software #business #open-source
October 2015
September 2015
Appveyor #continuous-integration #development
August 2015
Using context managers in test setUp #python
Small choices, big decisions: coverage run --append #development #testing
July 2015
Lap vs length #language #swimming
The Lone Confused Expert #experts #online #people
June 2015
Math factoid of the day: 53 #math #me
May 2015
Writing pylint plugins #linters
Be careful deleting files around git #git
April 2015
How I make presentations #my-code #presentations #site
Names and Values at PyCon 2015 #pycon
March 2015
Finding temp file creators #debugging #python
February 2015
January 2015 for Django templates #coverage #django
December 2014
REST API gotcha, and webhookdb
Seeing what the computer sees #python
What is the Lotus Notes of today? #lotus
November 2014
Open edX, out of our control #open-source #edx
Help Max finish his film! #friends-&-family #help
October 2014
The Character of Physical Law #science
September 2014
How to pay for a free Unicode sandwich #friends-&-family
How should I distribute alphas? #coverage
Transcripts of talks? #presentations
August 2014
Ben’s comic: Avis #comics #friends-&-family
July 2014
Fetching GitHub pull requests #git #github
Tracking pull request ages with d3 #git
June 2014
Now I’m playing with a full deck #me
Template coverage measurement #coverage
May 2014
Pythons are deaf, so are some Pythonistas #gatherings #presentations
GitHub monoculture #git #github #online
April 2014
March 2014
Ben 16 at RISD #cakes #friends-&-family
The right way to accept Bitcoin?
February 2014
What it’s like to be a developer #dev-mindset
January 2014
SVG figures with Cupid #graphics #my-code
Speeding up coverage data storage #coverage
Git choose your own adventure #git #how-to
Comments should be sentences #coding
Python nugget: renumbering ids #python
December 2013
Versioned Python commands on Mac #mac #python #unix 3.7.1 #coverage #my-code
November 2013
Ad-hoc data breakpoints #debugging #python
October 2013
Range overlap in two compares #coding
What’s in which Python 3.0–3.3? #python 3.7 #coverage #my-code
Finding stale pyc files #how-to #unix
September 2013
August 2013
Names and values: making a game board #python
I need help with #coverage
July 2013
How many instructions in a print statement? #python
Facts and myths about Python names and values #python
Hashtags for commands #git #linters #unix
June 2013
Explaining descriptors #documentation #python
Filter a list into two parts #gems #python
May 2013
What made you feel competent in Python? #python
Mary Ela’s transitional gravestone #history #walking
April 2013
Config files: dot or not? #coverage
March 2013
Community, conduct, conflict, and communication #gatherings #people #pycon
Loop Like a Native #pycon #python
Letterpress workshop at MassArt #history #typography
February 2013
Working at edX #education #me #work #edx
Ad-hoc decoding a backdoor #malware #php #python
Getting started with programming terminology #beginners #programming-languages
Hunting a random() bug #python
Finding Python 3 builtins #python
Looking for Python 3 builtins #python
A regular crossword #puzzles #regex
War is peace #python #ruby #security
January 2013
Stupid languages #javascript #programming-languages
Byterun, and making cells #python 3.6 #coverage #my-code
Stuff I didn’t write about #juggling #maps #typography
Castle Black gingerbread #cakes
December 2012 3.6b3 #coverage #my-code 3.6b2 #coverage #my-code
Implementing rpartition #python
Kim’s Python lesson #education #friends-&-family #python
November 2012 3.6b1 #coverage #my-code
October 2012
Multiple inheritance is hard #python
September 2012 v3.5.3 #coverage #my-code
Gems all the way down #gems #python
Mocking #python #testing
Removing overlapping regex matches #gems #python
August 2012
Selecting randomly from an unknown sequence #algorithms #python
Fixing broken Unicode #characters #python
July 2012
My Mom got married! #cakes #friends-&-family
Bad answers on Stack Overflow #education #online #python
June 2012
tl;dw: Speedily practical large-scale tests #pycon #testing
Eval really is dangerous #python #security
tl;dw: Stop mocking, start testing #pycon #testing
May 2012
Be the guy #friends-&-family #work
Tabblo’s last day: May 30 #hp #tabblo v3.5.2 #coverage #my-code
April 2012 v3.5.2b1 #coverage #my-code
Python iteration presentation #presentations #python
March 2012
What files should coverage measure? #coverage
Breaking out of two loops at once #python
Pragmatic unicode #characters #pycon
February 2012
Cog 2.3: Python 3 plus a few extras #cog
Linotype #history #movies #printing
January 2012
Decorated fabric over the edge #python
Where can I walk to in 30 minutes? #maps #walking
December 2011
Keep data out of your variable names #python
Stop SOPA #business #hp #politics
Deleting files, keeping a few #how-to #unix
Duplicitous Django settings #django
November 2011
Advanced Mercurial branches #source-control
Caveman #browsers #my-code #tools
October 2011
September 2011
What’s in which Python 2.x? #python
The latest HP circus #business #hp v3.5.1 #coverage #my-code
Online Python exercises #education #java #python
Software’s prime directive #development #tools
August 2011 v3.5.1 beta 1 #coverage #my-code
Max is off to NYU #cakes #friends-&-family
Stack ninjas #debugging #hacks #python
How we do it in Boston #gatherings #presentations #python
July 2011
Getting started testing #presentations #python #testing
Caged Python #presentations #python
June 2011
Photographs and time #art #photos v3.5 #coverage #my-code
Running coverage on your tests #coverage #testing
Long-running restartable worker #python
Books for Ben? #books #friends-&-family v3.5 beta 1 #coverage #my-code
Filenames with accents #characters #python
May 2011
Grandma O, world traveller #cakes #friends-&-family
Teaching (and learning) Python #places #python
Running a database from a ramdisk #databases
The Walk #autism #comics #walking
How settrace really works, or doesn’t #coverage #python
April 2011
Pilkington, LBP, and Inferno cakes #cakes
A JavaScript lexer in Python, and the saga behind it #django #javascript #python
March 2011
Two Pi Day puzzles from PyCon #math #puzzles #pycon
Quick and dirty multi-threaded Django dev server #django #how-to
Boston printing office auction #boston #history #printing
February 2011
PyCon presentations, Hollywood style #communication #presentations #pycon
How to not get reputation points on Stack Overflow #how-to #online
January 2011
The Aporetic’s living history #blogs #history #politics
Happy 2011 #friends-&-family #photos
December 2010
Faked translations: #django #python
Splitting Planet Python #python #site
On my own #cakes #hp #me #work
November 2010
Bob Books on the iPhone #books #friends-&-family #phones
Happy Birthday Nat #cakes #friends-&-family
Leaving Tabblo #hp #me #tabblo #work
October 2010
Recent tweets #autism #css #comp-sci #django #quick-links
Juan Williams is a bigot #society
What is this thing? #hp #hardware #help
G4G Martin Gardner Celebration of Mind #boston #gatherings #math
Checking Javascript syntax in Django #django #javascript
Surprising __getattr__ recursion #python
September 2010
Talking technically #communication #presentations #pycon v3.4 #coverage #my-code
Python Meetup: Beginner’s Night #gatherings #presentations #python v3.4 beta 2: uncovered files #coverage #my-code
Making good tar files on Windows #python #windows
August 2010
Global Django requests #django v3.4 beta 1 #coverage #my-code
Entrepreneurship #books #business
Django superuser login trapdoor #django
July 2010
Better error messages #exceptions #python
Whitespace in Ruby and searching for code #google #ruby
Making Peace with Autism in Korean #autism #books #susan
Installing Python packages from Windows installers into virtualenv #python #windows
Recent tweets #autism #puzzles #quick-links #typography
June 2010
Chrome’s email fields #email #phones #web
Fragmented biscuit making #work
Recent tweets #quick-links #twitter
Graduated Max #cakes #friends-&-family
Localization is a bitch #django #web
May 2010 on Jython #coverage #python
HP’s destructive cost-cutting #business #hp #work
The beginning of love #philosophy
Fossilized hack-arounds #development
The case of the secured server #hp #security #work
April 2010
Stack Exchange 2.0 #business #online
Converting Blogger to Wordpress #python #web
Web development peeve #python #web
March 2010
Autism Mom’s Survival Guide #books #susan
Criminal exceptions #exceptions
A real Turing machine #hardware #history #machinery
SlowNews: a good, too-short idea
What’s the point of os.path.commonprefix? #python
Headhunters say the darnedest things
Different, good and bad #design #web v3.3.1: two fixes #coverage #my-code
Trace function debugging challenge #debugging #help #python
February 2010 v3.3: .coveragerc files #coverage #my-code
Back from PyCon 2010 #gatherings #pycon
Couchio is hiring #friends-&-family #work
A preventable Python packaging peeve #python
21st century life in transition
Test classes, singular or plural? #coding #python #testing
25 minutes is a bitch #communication #presentations #pycon
Custom letters 2009 #typography
Lost cake #cakes #obsession #tv
PyCon on the Charles, part 2 #gatherings #pycon
iPad ergonomics #hardware #mac #phones
January 2010
Running code at Python startup #python
PyCon on the Charles, part 1 #gatherings #pycon
IE8’s unpopular XSS filter #browsers #malware
Anne Leeds’ dyslexia puzzle #art #autism #friends-&-family #puzzles
D. Richard Hipp’s software universe #coverage #source-control
The philosopher #art #friends-&-family
Happy 2010 #friends-&-family #photos
December 2009
SSAO JS Snowman WTF? #css #graphics #javascript
The Historical Thesaurus of the OED #language #reference
BibliOdyssey #art #history #maps
Looking for a Python developer #work v3.2 #coverage #my-code
November 2009
Python packaging mishegas #python v3.2b3: now with fewer memory leaks! #coverage #my-code
Memory leak mystery #coverage #debugging #testing
On business English #business #language
Ditaa: DIagrams Through Ascii Art #graphics #hacks v3.2b1: branch coverage! #coverage #my-code
Left vs. right, diagrammed #graphics #politics
Continuous integration for Python with Hudson #continuous-integration #how-to #python
Life-sized Link #crafts #obsession #video-games
Magritte Mac sticker #art #mac
Measuring tire pressure at the pump #cars
October 2009
The scalability of programming languages #programming-languages
Physical type #animation #typography
Animated Turkish New York Times #animation #places #typography
DevDays Boston #gatherings #presentations
Running the same code on Python 2.x and 3.x #python
September 2009 v3.1 beta 1: Python 3.x and Cobertura output #coverage #my-code
Line continuations from tokenize.generate_tokens #python
Cheese or Font? #food #typography
Why numbering should start at zero #comp-sci #history
Xenocode and multiple IE’s #browsers
August 2009
PNG optimization #graphics #web
Explaining Python at DevDays Boston #education #gatherings #presentations #python
Plus signs in email addresses #email #malware
Humane email validation #email #regex #ui
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, 1921–2009 #autism #obituaries #special-olympics
Super awesome cheap ball #toys
Mysterium 2009 #gatherings #video-games
July 2009
Movie title stills collection #design #movies #obsession
Back from Paris #friends-&-family #places on Python 3.x #coverage #python v3.0.1 #coverage #my-code
A nasty little bug #coverage #debugging #development
June 2009
Bare-bones basic Mercurial for Subversion users #source-control
Bathsheba and Bulatov #art #math
Coverage v3.0 #coverage #my-code
Quick links: short, right, anti #quick-links #security #testing
Off the beaten path in Paris #friends-&-family #places
How to be happy in business #business
Real-world cloud computing #architecture #gatherings
May 2009
Buying online and offline #business #online #phones
Mostly wrong #funny #history #programming-languages
Coverage v3.0 beta 3 #coverage #my-code
Log in as a user #security #web
Web font embedding #css #typography
Running a Python file as main, take 2 #python
April 2009
Coverage v3.0 beta 2 #coverage #my-code
Stop motion with wolf and pig #animation
Between the folds #crafts #movies
Predicting the future of marriage equality #politics
Jimfl’s things to look at #art #math
Tweenbots in the city #robots #society
Running a Python file as main #python
Subjective-C #programming-languages
March 2009
PyCon 2009 notes #gatherings #pycon
Ingrid’s Twitter song #music #online #twitter
A Whirlwind Excursion through Python C Extensions #pycon #python
It’s all greek to me #language
Obama’s special joke #autism #special-olympics #sports
Subversion changelists #source-control
Watchmen cake #cakes #friends-&-family
Light calligraphy #art #typography v3.0b1 #coverage #my-code
Square root of Christmas #geeky #math
Code hosting choices #source-control
February 2009
Titus wouldn’t know a sensational title if it bit him in the ass #coverage #online #pycon
Fast geometric hashing for automated astrometry #algorithms #search #space
You asked for it #exceptions #web
C extensions at the Cambridge Python meetup #gatherings #python
Infrastructure for modern web sites #django
January 2009
Browser security handbook #browsers #security
Arabic logos #language #typography
Rules of database app aging #architecture #databases
Dieting cavemen on twitter #communication #online #twitter
Quick links: corkscrew, tag, bubbles #machinery #quick-links #science
Your IDE of choice #browsers #ides
Oldest files meme: PSCom #postscript
Django special character tag #characters #django
Happy 2009 #friends-&-family #photos
December 2008
Structure Synth and Sunflow #art #graphics #math
PyCon double-talk #gatherings #pycon
Accidental HTML entities in URLs #web
Genetic image evolution #algorithms #art
Internet explorer mystery #1376 #javascript #web
November 2008
Things I don’t like about doctest #python #testing
They want Sandy #business #hp #online #twitter #web
Print this file, your printer will jam #debugging #history #postscript #printing
My oldest code still running #hp #history #postscript #printing
Judge orders five detainees released #law #politics
Quick links: Gromit, splitter, typealyzer #animation #games #language #quick-links
Pathological backtracking #python #regex
Victoria Marcus Olds, 1911–2008 #friends-&-family #obituaries
Presentation tools #presentations #tools
Tabblo at the Cambridge Django meetup #django #gatherings #tabblo
Us on #autism #friends-&-family #special-olympics
Stackoverflow social dynamics #development #online
October 2008
The first servers #history #math
Tabblo is hiring: web front-end developer #hp #tabblo
Animated sorting algorithms #algorithms
Python mystery #6237: solved #python
3 down, 47 to go #politics #society
Python registry grepper #python #windows
Switching Python versions on windows #python #windows
September 2008
A server memory leak #debugging #django
Evil apple #business #mac #phones
Competition inside corporations? #business #hp
Self-diagnosing software #coding
Reductio ad absurdum #language
OpenID is too hard #security #web
Google chrome #browsers #google
August 2008
Anatomy of a Subway Hack #boston #security
Bridges 2008 #art #gatherings #math
Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press #history #typography
July 2008
Date Difference and different dates #friends-&-family #tools
Econtalk #audio #business #politics
On the counter-intuitiveness of speed #coding
Encouragement from unlikely places #movies
Gas station tv #ads #business #cars
Dealing with parking pigs #cars
WALL-E #animation #movies #reviews
June 2008
Spore creature creator and steganography #graphics #security #video-games
Subversion’s biggest hole #source-control
Reporting server reliability #funny #geeky
Biology factoid of the day #me #science
Bad web typography: full justify #typography #web
Pylint #linters #python #tools
One of the worst decisions in history #law #war
Classic photos in Lego #lego #photos
How hot was it? #boston #printing
Fake web addresses #movies #networks #reviews
Photoshop blend mode math #graphics #math
280slides #javascript #presentations #programming-languages #tools
Dealing with experts #experts #spotted
Michigan and Florida flap #politics
May 2008
I hate browser-scaled images #web
Rex Parker does the NYT crossword puzzle #blogs #obsession #puzzles
Ratatouille and Pixar technology #animation #graphics #movies
Cog 2.1 and newline detection #cog #python
Bad web type: georgia’s numerals #typography #web
How to apply patches #how-to #unix
Max: stop-motion for French, and Apple Boston #animation #boston #friends-&-family #mac #society
Water + laptop = ok #hardware #me
Boy vs. girl #language #society
So that happened... (digg, slashdot, and webfaction) #site
TV and social surplus #society
April 2008
Homer and Bush in CSS #art #css
Non-transitive dice #games #math
Separating sentences #django #language #python #regex #site and EveryBlock #online #politics
Pixar and Disney line-up through 2012 #animation #movies
Fractal cookies #food #math #video-games
Wicked hack: Python bytecode tracing #coverage #python
Big dog robot and big dog beta #funny #robots
The structure of .pyc files #python
Aptus 1.55 and wx buffered drawing #help #my-code
Technology startup process #business #funny
March 2008
Evolutionary ladder #coding #python
Reddit’ers at the back of the class #online
My birth announcement #design #friends-&-family #me
Python code complexity micro-tool #python #tools
Consistent hashing #algorithms
PyCon 2008 notes #gatherings #pycon
The script kiddies that couldn’t shoot straight #malware #php
Space shuttle launch preparation #site #space
You suck at photoshop #graphics #online
Screencasting made... difficult #ads #google
This bothers me: Saudi Arabia #politics
February 2008
Sidney Diane Hussein #politics
Python solvers #algorithms #python
Paul is or is not dead #music #obsession
HistoryShots #art #blogs #history
Apache proxy auto-re-loader #web
Jenn: visualizing polytopes #math
What I wish congress understood #politics
Enumerating trees #math #python
The googles of the past #books #boston
The evolution of tech companies’ logos #design
Jimiyo fine art sprites #art #video-games
Help: Building PIL on Windows (.a ⇒ .dll)? #help #windows
January 2008
Darth Nedibat #me #photos #star-wars
Truly transparent text with PIL #graphics #how-to #python
How to make people feel stupid #communication #how-to #people
Chandler and Python: don’t blame the tools #osaf #python
Django people #django #maps #online
Cross-site printing? #malware #printing #security
Terry Gross and paying customers #audio #business
Permalinks, Gravatars and Django #django #site
YouTubed Bob debut [u] oy! #funny #music
Rsync on Windows disk to disk? #help #windows
Bob Staake: Photoshop 3.0 #art #graphics #tools
How badly can they not get it? #business
Mathematically correct lighting #math
Peace, stay warm #friends-&-family #photos
December 2007
A Spot of Bother #books #reviews
Quick links: wrapper, design, later, launchy #design #quick-links #tools
Ancient history: the Digital logo #design #history #postscript
Presidential prediction #politics
Google chart API #google #tools
Extracting JPGs from PDFs #graphics #how-to #pdf #python
November 2007 #my-code #source-control
Kris Sowersby’s type doodles #art #typography
Secret print tracking #hp #malware #printing
CSS frameworks, good or bad? #css
Re-throwing exceptions in Python #exceptions #python
Planet Saturday #comics #parenting
Beautiful Code #books #dev-mindset #reviews
On the naming of functions #funny #geeky
Chris Lomont and the Excel formatting bug #debugging #math
Best computer language for a beginner #beginners #education #programming-languages
October 2007
Flaws in coverage measurement #coverage #testing
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting
Plato and a platypus walk into a bar #books #reviews
Wikipedia quick search #reference #search
Http-https transitions and relative URLs #how-to #web
Modular pie-cosahedron #food #math
September 2007
Walk Now for Autism #autism #help #walking
Python’s super (considered harmful) #python
Toy computing devices #comp-sci #history #lego #toys
Brian Dettmer’s dissected books #art #books
Schaedler precision rules #design #tools
Django favicon #django #graphics
Gimp gradient files #graphics #my-code #python
An owner’s guide to programmers #dev-mindset
Connelly Barnes #blogs #comp-sci #python
SI prefixes #reference #science
August 2007
Sable-3 photo balloon into space #photos #space
Regular expression diversity #regex
Two weak typing problems #javascript #programming-languages
Literal answers to rhetorical questions #funny #language
New client-side web tools #javascript #web
July 2007
Biologists helping bookstores #books #science
Walk Score #maps #places #walking v2.75 #coverage #my-code
Simpsons avatars #comics #friends-&-family
Draggable google map routes #google #maps #language #my-code #python
Ben at work #parenting #photos
Abject-oriented programming #development #funny
June 2007
Things I’ve learned about photography #photos
Math factoid of the day #math #me
Upgrading from lists to objects #python
Tight vote looms on same-sex marriage #politics
Giant food ball #food #math #parenting
Python on Planes #funny #python
May 2007
Google Maps Street View #google #maps #places
A Digital Remake #python #typography
Getting started with Python #python
Elegant web typography #presentations #typography #web
Roy Zimmerman’s Defenders of Marriage #funny #music #politics
Python SSL support in Windows and opening MSI files #python #windows
Making history #hp #history #tabblo
April 2007
Strictness and correctness #xml
Capacity planning for LAMP #administration
Xss with utf-7 #characters #malware
Email senders fight back? #email #malware
Five minutes to kill (yourself) #video-games #work
Kurt Vonnegut, 1922–2007 #obituaries
Monty Python and the Holy Trek #funny #movies
HP and Tabblo in the New York Times #hp #tabblo
Across the street from the Sphinx #places
The eye is 576 megapixels #photos #science
Tabblo PhotoCube #crafts #tabblo
Thinking with type #typography
March 2007
Random HTML factoid: no ' #web
HP acquires Tabblo #hp #tabblo
Hex words, updated #geeky #language
Gesundheit and adventure game studio #parenting #video-games
It Works on My Machine #development #funny
XSS bestiary #malware #security #web
Firefly press #boston #typography
Paper models as matter transporters #crafts #quotes
Presentation tips #communication #how-to #presentations
February 2007
William McVey’s PyCon notes #pycon
Origami Polypolyhedra #art #math
Looking for a contractor #tabblo
Walk on (cornstarch and) water #science
Helvetica movie #movies #typography
Get firebug #css #javascript #tools #web
January 2007
Business card cube photos #crafts
Wikipedia and nofollow #malware
Stopping spambots with hashes and honeypots #malware #site
The Fitful Flog #blogs #crafts
Color parsing brainteaser #web
Damien is available! #friends-&-family
Five things you didn’t know about me #me
Ubuntu cookies #crafts #food #unix
Python assignment trickiness #python
CampaignMonitor blog #blogs #email
All triangles are equilateral #math
Last day of 2006, Boston common #boston #friends-&-family #photos
December 2006
How to move a subversion repository #how-to #source-control
Adobe and Office icons #design
Account suspended due to spam #email #site
Holiday card 2006 #friends-&-family #photos
Yahoo: the good and bad of ajax #javascript
Quick links: statue, lego, visualization #lego #quick-links
Making Peace in paperback #books #susan
Svn annotate all? #source-control
November 2006
Stranger Than Fiction #movies #reviews
Non-euclidean juggling #juggling
Drawing and manufacturing, then and now #design
October 2006
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting #tabblo
Subversion branching quick start #how-to #source-control
The difference between Democrats and Republicans #politics
Porter stemming algorithm #language
Actual conversation #funny #malware
Cameras with wireless #photos #tabblo
Google code search #google #search
Iterator merge in Python #python
Glimpsing the garden over the wall #python #work
Cameras and Wookiees #reference #star-wars
September 2006
An emergency at Tabblo #tabblo
Naming planets #science #space
Escher-like Google maps #google #maps
TechCrunch Tabblo review review #tabblo
Show image catalog Greasemonkey script #javascript #web
Geek humor #comics #funny #geeky #unix
Impoverished exceptions #exceptions #python
assertRaisesMsg #exceptions #python #testing
August 2006
Frameworks make software easier, but only the easy part #development #django
Bronx Science math team, 1980 #me #photos
White House photo #me #photos #special-olympics v2.6 #coverage #my-code
Ruby on Rails security flap #ruby #security
New exit strategy: eBay #business
The biology of b-movie monsters #movies #science
Same-sex marriage bans in Washington and New York #politics
IE7 is coming, and fast #browsers
Helpful un-helpful magic #databases #debugging
July 2006
Silliputtimation #animation #movies #parenting
Spamlent Green is people #malware
Sue and Ned’s excellent adventure, part 3 #gatherings #me #special-olympics
The diversity of digital media #video-games
Not being a dot-bomb 2.0 #business #star-wars #web
Sue and Ned’s excellent adventure, part 2 #gatherings #me #special-olympics
Sue and Ned’s excellent adventure, part 1 #gatherings #me #special-olympics
Quick links: Etch-A-Sketch, Linea, Fancypants, Lost Mac ads #ads #animation #art #mac #quick-links #video-games
Black tie at the White House #gatherings #me #special-olympics
June 2006
The Vietnam of computer science #databases
All you can eat Buffet #business
Wedding toast #friends-&-family
On the fate of entrepreneurships #work
Mossberg Tabblo review in the WSJ #tabblo
At the movies: Sarah Silverman and OCD #movies #reviews
Math factoid of the day #math #me
Web application framework stacks #django
Mentos + Diet Coke: an illustrated guide #food #science
Scent of a Robot #music #robots
Digital Equipment Corporation #history #me #postscript #work
Fortress #programming-languages
Revenge breeds revenge? #society #war
Google really has turned a corner #google
Robot Chicken #funny #star-wars #tv
May 2006
Garamond Premier Pro #typography
The perils of stock photos #ads #photos
For best results, write your own ad-hoc data representation #architecture
Introspection via pseudo-objects #architecture
Ten things I hate about commandments #funny
Attributing climate-change data #science
Erlang vs. Java, by Ben #art #java #programming-languages
Color calibration #color #help #printing
Search engine indexing limits #search
April 2006
Why is reliable software so hard? #exceptions
Python tuples are not just constant lists #python
Big Hug #autism #parenting #photos
Code Monkey #development #music
Advanced sudoku strategies #puzzles
The brick testament #lego #religion
Five truths about code optimization #development
Working hard, or hardly working? #work
Ride to laundromat lands cabbie on sold-out stage
How to feel miserable as an artist #how-to #philosophy
Client-side PHP #javascript #php
A variant of the LAMP stack #web
Marketing Biathlon #business #comics
Japanese Rube Goldberg machines #japan #machinery
Stick figure and Lego cakes #cakes #lego
Web frameworks, seriously #django #python #ruby
Web frameworks: RoR is the winner #django #python #ruby
March 2006
Peacenik designer t-shirt #design #politics
The adventures of scaling #web
How not to run an ad service #ads #business
Quick links: finance, accent, sliderule, disturb #quick-links
Lightsaber for $33 in 33 minutes #crafts
Entrepreneurial proverbs #business
Caption contest answer #comics
Modifying library code #development
Who can name the bigger number? #math
Riven and Cone birthday cakes #cakes #lego
Techy crafts #crafts #lego #quick-links
Big Adventure in the Big Apple: A Sketchbook #art
Everything in the same minute #coding #debugging
Many features of the product are unavailable
Jason McElwain #autism #sports
An extraordinary act of public obedience #cars #law
The problem with checkboxes #ui
February 2006
Microsoft iPod packaging #business #design #funny
Monospace fonts compared #coding #typography
The Generator Blog #blogs #games
It will probably be dark for a while #site
Say goodbye to #site
Juggling to the Beatles #juggling
Things that bug me about two-dimensional programming #coding #python
I have to use my Gmail account in Google Groups? #google
Autism Saturday #autism #parenting #special-olympics
Programmable web mashup matrix #web
Usability testing on the cheap #how-to #testing
Brokeback to the Future #funny #movies
January 2006
Using Eclipse #ides #java #python
The QA mindset #quotes #testing
Quick PIL tip #graphics #python
Video game maps #maps #video-games
Unwitting bloggers and witless structured blogging #feeds #online #semantic-web
HTML screen scraping and sgrep #tools
JavaScript as a real language #javascript
Toshiba Tecra M3 review #hardware #reviews
The Conversations Network #audio
Lead in power cords? #hardware
Tecra M3, nVidia and Dell 2005fpw? #hardware #help
Email validation again #email #php #regex
Tattooed nerds #geeky #obsession #video-games
Every OS Sucks #funny #geeky #mac #unix #windows
Network speed tests #networks #tools
Email validation in PHP #email #php
Quoting hell #development #php
Joel Spolsky is a crotchety old man #comp-sci #education #java
December 2005
Setting up the new laptop #administration #windows
I’m special, so special #autism #music #parenting
Multiple Python installations on Windows #python #windows
Helvetica, Arial in Grotesque Accident #typography #web
Ricky Gervais podcast #audio #funny
The Story About Ping #funny #networks
Intelligent Design in schools #education #science
The downside of living online #online
XML without the <!DOCTYPE> #xml
Database schema upgrades #databases #django
Wookieepedia #obsession #reference #star-wars
Django losing its djang? #django #friends-&-family
A new gig for me #django #kubi #me #tabblo
Configuring Outlook to deal with spam bounces #email #malware
Vowels and consonants #language, v2.5 #coverage #my-code
Tim Tom #animation #django #movies
Python Testing Tools Taxonomy and Jester #python #testing #tools
UI blogs & the best outlook feature ever #blogs #ui #windows
Windows notification icons #debugging #ui #windows
November 2005
Single letter domain names #web
Dangerously excited #books #quotes
How this site is made: xuff, px, bx, etc #python #site #xslt
Quick links: Pike, Air, Stickers, JS/UIX, SQL, Scarry #art #databases #google #quick-links #science #unix
Death penalty in Massachusetts #boston #politics
Amazon mechanical turk #amazon
My personal Python mind set #dev-mindset #python
Single-sheet paper sculptures #art #crafts
Pool birthday cake #cakes #lego #parenting #swimming
Coalescing Python parser info? #online
New comment feature: notify me #site
Google AdWords: reactivated #google #me
What’s Special About This Number? #math
Finding Windows error messages #exceptions #windows
Ajaxy Exception Catching #exceptions #python #web
How the Death Star works #star-wars
Repetitive information injury #productivity
Sony and rootkits #blogs #music #windows
October 2005
The Final Days of AT&T #design
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting
Ghost diagrams #autism #blogs #math
Google AdWords: evil? #google #me
Susan’s blog #autism #blogs #susan
More alternatives for Python unit testing #python #testing
We share your pain #funny #geeky
Parrot post-mortem #management
More Unix cheat sheets #reference #unix
Comments prevent execution #coding
wcscmp vs StrEqual #c++ #coding
Danielle Strachman: hemispheric integration and juggling #blogs #education
Open Source licenses compared #business #open-source
Object reference not set to an instance of an object #exceptions
The curse of the were-rabbit #animation #movies #reviews
Madlibs, part 3 #parenting #python
Stack traces on windows #windows
How to price a fixed-price contract? #business #help
Scott Lewis is an angel #blogs
Today show in NYC #me #susan #tv
Help! Frozen Mac browsers! #help #mac
September 2005
I’ll be on the Weekend Today show #me #susan
The death of the main menu #ui #windows
Avoid being called a bozo when producing xml #how-to #xml
SNL celebrity jeopardy #funny #tv
Paper forest #blogs #crafts #japan
Intro to camera memory #hardware
TV in da house, part 2 #me #susan
Cog commercial: history and spoof #ads #funny
Blog searching #google #search
Gatekeeper Drainer Jockey #coding
The Aristocrats #movies #reviews
Reminder: Walk F.A.R. for NAAR #autism #help
Doorknob monsters and Jimwich’s faces #photos
What Rain Man can teach system administrators #administration #autism
Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal Theme #funny #mac #ui
Amazon sales stats grabber #amazon #python
Faces project management #management #python
Threads cannot be implemented as a library #concurrency #programming-languages
Cyan Worlds shuts down #cakes #video-games
PocketMod and D*I*Y Planner #productivity
Katrina on Google Maps #google #maps #places
Please help me export movies from Premiere #help
Database: what’s a base? #databases #language
Blogging from New Orleans #places
Interactive debugging in Python #debugging #python
August 2005
Organizing build trees #development
Making Peace With Autism is now available! #books #susan
Can hate be good? #ads #animation #cars
Link grammar parser #language #tools
There’s no way I’ll ever be as cool as Derek Sivers #blogs #online
Subversion tags #source-control
Disney sand sculptures #art #movies
Susan on WOR, and why registration is a pain #susan
Boy, that guy is really mad #parenting #work
Information Aesthetics blog #art #blogs #language
Kent Beck: software health #development #testing
“Meteoric rise” #language #space
While my ukelele gently weeps #music
Walk F.A.R. for NAAR 2005 #autism #help #walking
The lamest search page ever #search
Valid email addresses? #email #regex
Madlibs, part 2 #parenting #python
Amazing but true quotes from the 21st century #parenting #phones #quotes
Time, time, time #art #science #space
Apple’s mighty mouse #hardware
The value of patterns #architecture
July 2005
Programming with kids: madlibs #parenting #python
Multi-threading? #architecture #concurrency
Sometimes the automation really knows best #coverage #testing
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory #movies #reviews
The bourne war on terror #funny #politics #unix
Green With Satisfaction #autism #susan
Online etymology dictionary #language #reference
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close #books #reviews
Very small objects #art #science
Google maps pedometer #google #maps #walking
Google Moon #google #maps #places #space
Flipbook #animation #art #games #parenting
More lattice stuff #art #my-code
Firefox really is spreading #browsers
Tallest bridge: Viaduc de Millau #places
June 2005
The Tens of Commandments #politics #religion
Windows shell reads XML processing instructions #windows #xml
Iraq war casualties map #google #maps #war
Keyed lookups in XSLT 1.0 #xslt
Stupid flag burning amendment #politics
Another distraction I didn’t need: Sudoku #puzzles
Last place at Special Olympics #autism #special-olympics #sports
Spolsky/Scoble workplace fracas #work
Robyn Miller’s blog #blogs #video-games
On this day three years ago... #me
Practical MD5 collisions #postscript #security
More stock photo places #photos #web
Stick figure adventures #games #puzzles
Quick links: contraption, real life, easter egg, shufflehacks, lightsaber #graphics #lego #quick-links #star-wars
Customizable keyboards #hardware
Quick links: tiny houses, organic desktops, anti-social, beach animals, robot hut, star wars logo #art #quick-links #robots #star-wars #typography
May 2005
Brian Levine #blogs #friends-&-family
Store Wars #funny #movies #star-wars
Of course, sometimes it is your software’s fault #concurrency #databases #debugging
Bad hardware #administration #networks
Synergy: software keyboard sharing #tools
Children’s cosmological questions answered #space
Character styling with Unicode #characters #mac
Unix cheat sheets #shells #unix
Star Wars crawls #star-wars #typography
Revenge of the sixth #reviews #star-wars
The mermaid #history #religion
Context Free Design Grammar #art
Gay marriage, one year later #politics
Precog and Templarian #cog #php
Seven-year glitch #parenting #quotes
.NET stuff: dispose guidelines and c++/cli #c# #c++
I want my MTV at Skywalker Ranch #star-wars
More C++ constructor trivia #c++
Making Peace With Autism #autism #books #susan
Quick links: fade, logos, comic, colourlovers, edit, png #css #color #design #graphics #javascript #quick-links #web
Bad day for date formats #testing
Web single signon #security #web
Summer Without Structure #susan
Alien birthday cake #cakes #parenting #space
April 2005
Protected members in sealed classes? #c#
Updated Python parsers page #python
How to make a coin ring #crafts #how-to
Dictatorship of relativism #politics #religion
How to start a fire with a can of Coke and a chocolate bar #hacks #how-to
Wrapping-paper tie #crafts #parenting
Big Apple Circus #juggling #parenting
Adobe buying Macromedia #business
How to destroy the Earth #science
Staying organized with index cards #productivity
Disappointed: T30 DVI #hardware
Abston Church of Christ #lego #religion
Temporary internet files and my recent documents #windows
Sub-pixel font rendering technology #typography
Phishing fun with Unicode #characters #email #malware
The disappointment of ADO.NET #databases
The beauty of the relational model #databases
Different strokes for different folks #swimming
Franny K. Stein #books #parenting #reviews
March 2005
My own private WTF? #c# #coding
Argent: Cog for Ruby #cog #ruby
Wrapping delegates in C# #c# #exceptions
Robyn Miller is entirely cool #video-games
Python limericks #geeky #python
Velcro snail and Jimwich #art #blogs
Myst island birthday cake #cakes #parenting #video-games
Opening a file with an unknown extension #how-to #windows
New Microsoft typefaces #typography
Microsoft DLL help database #windows
Super Mario crafts #crafts #video-games
BitTorrent + RSS = TiVo? #feeds #tv
NYPL Digital Gallery #history #photos
The long tail of software #business #online
Ultimate boot CD #administration #tools
Who’s on First? #funny #movies
L0rd 0f teh Ringz0rz #funny #movies
I’m an Amazon associate #amazon #site
Cell phone virus #malware #phones
Properties vs. public members #c# #coding
Muy macho shredders #machinery
Brookline ScienceFest ‘05 #education #parenting #science
The book stops here #online #reference
Portrait illustration maker #online
Building a modern computer from first principles #comp-sci #education
C# and OutputDebugString #c# #debugging
SQL hacks: numbers table #databases #hacks
Doodle-O drawings #art #games #parenting
February 2005
Two Windows launcher utilities #tools #windows
Managed developer testing #management #testing
Art, high and low #animation #art #funny
Microsoft’s guide to leetspeek #online
Kubi is hiring: engineering, sales, and qa #kubi
Christo’s Gates #art #places #walking
Unable to send email #administration #email
Amazing basketball shot #sports
Ryan’s cog tips, and Theoden’s code tips #coding #cog #funny #how-to
Ask Jeeves to buy Bloglines? #business #feeds
The original, updated #ads #movies
Getting back to work #productivity
Quick start for Subversion #how-to #source-control
Get out of the zeros! #development #open-source
So you want to be a consultant? #work
January 2005
Nice Windows icons with wxPython #how-to #python
Things to say when you are losing a technical argument #funny #geeky
Dispatching events in wxPython #python
Mongoose #exceptions #libraries #python
More exception handling debate #exceptions
Misaligned fragment URLs #site #web
We’re looking for QE contractors #kubi
Let me be brave #autism #special-olympics #susan
Quick links: earthquake, Mario music, wonkavision #music #quick-links #science #video-games
IBM releases 500 patents #business #law #open-source
Generalizing Overloading for C++2000 #c++
Autism car magnets #autism #cars
MAME arcade machines #video-games
Tricks of the trade #blogs #how-to
Rosemary Kennedy, 1918–2005 #obituaries #special-olympics
Deleting code in Russian #site
Nat’s Pooh picture #autism #parenting
SQL injection attacks #databases #security
Music notation modernization #music
Syntax coloring code in JavaScript #javascript #tools
Happy new year (I dislike special occasions) #philosophy
December 2004
Why my site was hosed #php #site
Objectgraph type-ahead dictionary #web
Sri Lankan tsunami relief #help
Hosting recommendations #site #web
Updates to commenting system #malware #site
Walking every street in Manhattan #obsession #places #walking
Message from the operator #funny
Elements vs. attributes #architecture #xml
The pitfalls of fixing error handling first #debugging #development
Switching from darcs to subversion #source-control updated #coverage #my-code
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer #movies
Looking for part-time IT help #kubi
Python is not Java #java #python
C++ constructor trivia #c++ #debugging #exceptions
November 2004
Languages and IDEs, again: Just write some code #development #ides #philosophy
How to kill a mockingbird #books #funny #how-to
The IDE divide #development #ides
Books organized by color #art #books #color
Alternatives for Python unit testing #python #testing
Kenneth Iverson, 1920–2004 #obituaries
XML Schema for non-XML data? #architecture #databases #xml
Prediction: Toy Story 3 will suck #movies #javascript #web
Low-tech and high-tech films #animation #movies
Мои статьи на русском языке #cog #site
Uncanny valley #movies #robots #science
The history of UTF-8 #characters #history
Syntax of the res: protocol and some known related issues #web #windows
Stored procedures: good or bad? #databases
The Incredibles #movies #reviews
Quick links: Subway, Purple, Cars, Moon, Textures #cars #graphics #maps #movies #quick-links #space
Comparing version control systems #source-control
Belly button plant #funny #science
The father is always the last to know #lotus
October 2004
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting
Quick links: Limecat, Rustboy, SmartCar #quick-links
Two good email signatures #concurrency #email #funny #geeky
Bush is a post turtle #politics
First tuesday after the first monday #history #politics
Atlas of Presidential Elections #maps #politics #reference
Hallmarks of a great developer #development
NYT: For Families of Autistic, the Fight for Ordinary #autism
Ode to the Red Sox Nation #boston #funny #sports
The complete guide to isometric pixel art #art #how-to
MapReduce #architecture #google
A quest for pythonic interfaces #python
$50 Encyclopædia Britannica #books
Structured procrastination #productivity
Ned’s Prescriptive Prefix Pushing Ploy #development #hacks
How to use XSLT from .NET #c# #how-to #xslt
How do you make this in HTML? #css #help #web
What I wish Kerry had said #politics
Struct ComputerContractor #funny #geeky
Laszlo open sourced #business #programming-languages
__FILE__ and __LINE__ in Python #coding #python
Open source couch #friends-&-family
Two election statistics sites #politics
September 2004
Survey of Python parsing tools #libraries #python
43folders and quicksilver #blogs #productivity #tools
Pongmechanik #hacks #machinery
Tony’s PowerPoint weblog #blogs #presentations
Italian modular origami #crafts
Coloring Windows console text #how-to #shells #windows
Walk Far for NAAR #autism #help #walking
Creative case-insensitivity #shells
My feeds are fixed #feeds #site
Firefox dead bookmarks #browsers #site
An architect’s job #architecture
The daily WTF #blogs #coding #funny
Spirit parser framework #c++ #libraries
Help with C# calling changing COM interface? #c# #help
Crash-only software #architecture
August 2004
Damien Katz’s Couch #blogs #friends-&-family
George Lakoff dissects the war on terror #language #politics
Cleaning up after yourself #coding
MD5 collisions #comp-sci #security
Tile-based Flash game tutorial #games #how-to
Project management #management
On static typing #programming-languages
On the utility of computer books #books #funny
Pokia retro phone of the future #hacks #hardware #phones
Cygwin argument handling? #shells, 1.5 #music #my-code
That’s no space station #space #star-wars
July 2004
Home alone #autism #special-olympics #susan
Scientists discover biological basis for autism #autism #science
__stdcall and exceptions? #c++ #exceptions
Asserts and implication #coding
Introduction to Python #python
AppleScripting Windows drives on Mac OS X? #help #mac #windows
Google and Picasa #business #google #photos
Office space wars #funny #movies #star-wars
June 2004
Mountain Dew “Spy vs. Spy” #ads #comics
Full text RSS feed #feeds #phones #site
Web walk: RC4 encryption #algorithms #security
Word of the day: verruca #language
Downloadable JavaScript and DHTML reference? #javascript #reference #web
Life of Pi #books #religion #reviews
Sweat equity is the best equity #business #work
The digital object identifier system #semantic-web
Boil the ocean #history #language
Switching to a new laptop #administration
Paper arcade #crafts #video-games
Damien is looking for contracting work #friends-&-family
Fragment highlighting #javascript #site #web
I’m interviewed on #cog
The two things #blogs #history #management
Text/enriched #email #networks
Senior engineer’s eyes #dev-mindset
Breakfast cereal guide #food #obsession
Omniscient debugging #debugging #java
XML data to graphs #tools #xml
May 2004
Another success story #cog #python
Legos Ripley’s Believe It or Not #lego
Honda Element Legos #ads #cars #lego
Under-estimated javascript #javascript
I now have stupid all over me #im #quotes
COM threading models #architecture #windows
Danny Gregory’s everyday matters #art #blogs
Cold turkey #books #politics #quotes
Oddizm and autistic adults #autism
More timewasting garbage, another copy-editing moron #language
Sealing stairs #dev-mindset #philosophy
How not to deal with exceptions #coding #exceptions #how-to
Distributed proofreaders #books
Pulling weeds #dev-mindset #development
PacManhattan #games #phones #places
How many Google machines #architecture #google
FedEx identity, take 2 #design
Quick links: paperclip, worst, thorax, fractals, patent #quick-links
Combinatorial testing with jenny #testing #tools
Google’s math sense of humor #business #google #math
April 2004
Smaller mpegs from Adobe Premiere? #help
FedEx rebrands Kinko’s #design
Saying yes to blow-painting #parenting
So we bought an iBook #hardware #mac
Arcade copy protection #video-games
General computer corporation #history #video-games
Special Olympics #autism #parenting #special-olympics #sports
APL and J #programming-languages
Electoral college reform #politics
The long and the short of it #quick-links
Many started web logs for fun, but... #me
BloggerCon II #blogs #gatherings
Hello world in patterns #architecture
How grammatically sound are you? #language
Writing exercises for engineers and scientists #education #language
Quick links: Sheep, Snail #machinery #quick-links
Ikea walkthrough #funny #games #geeky
A joke for passover #funny #religion
Problem solving flowchart #funny
Making do with Windows noises #music #windows
Help with CSS alignment? Please? #css #help #site
Warning on ignored return? #c++
Quick links: Zoo, Google, records, diesel, dinner #quick-links
Sysinternals process explorer #tools #windows
GeOrkut density map #hacks #maps #online
March 2004
Prothon #programming-languages
Cousins of the presidents #history #politics
Race car birthday cake #cakes #cars #parenting
Promoting computer literacy through programming Python #education #python
Broken build rituals #development
Truly random numbers #comp-sci
Bloom filters #algorithms #comp-sci #history #obituaries
Exact string matching algorithms #algorithms
How to make a pop-up scene #crafts #how-to
Sports Illustrated’s digital workflow #photos
Groovy #java #programming-languages
Bob’s quick guide to the apostrophe, you idiots #language
Times when I am truly happy #administration #quotes
Japanese paper robots #crafts #japan #robots
Mathematical background #math #reference
Overreaction? #online #parenting
Quick links: generics, frameworks, failures, attitude, naming #quick-links
Homestar birthday cake #cakes #parenting
How to spot a fake programmer #how-to #work
Making Visual Studio less annoying #2 #how-to #ides
Quick links: Far Side, Steve, Boggle, Scrabble #css #javascript #quick-links
Making Visual Studio less annoying #1 #how-to #ides
Google search by number #google
Intro flash movie #movies #site
Calvin and Hobbes extensive strip search #comics
A pixel is not a little square #graphics
Loving v. Virginia #history #law #politics
February 2004
Quick links: Reasons, Cho #quick-links
Printer tones #hacks #printing
Port knocking #networks #security
Gay marriage amendment #politics
Classical computer science texts #comp-sci #history
Critical font update #typography #windows
Virtual/non-virtual mixups #c++
Susan Kare’s Ned font #typography
Gremlins in the code #exceptions #testing
Macintosh folklore #history #mac
Sleeper #movies #robots #star-wars
Black history month #history #parenting #spotted
Destructors instead of catches #c++ #exceptions
Quick links: resizing, decompression, optimizing #quick-links
Programs that write programs #cog #quotes
Sixth grade questions #education
No matter how hard you try... #cog
Risks inherent in the rock abrasion tool #animation #funny #space
How to choose a search engine or directory #search
A new kind of science online #science
Cory’s random advice for composition #language
Code generation with Cog #cog #my-code
Essays wanted for new book about autism #autism
Power structures in meetings #work
Swimming with boys #parenting #swimming
Another cool thing about perforce: Python #python #shells #source-control
Internet anagram server #language
Ian’s shoelace site #how-to #obsession
Showing C header structure #c++ #python #tools
Fixing jackals chomp wavy quartz bed #language
onEnterFrame in Flash 5? #help
January 2004
Ultra-geeky Life amusement #geeky
Microwaved mugs and multiple mindsets #philosophy
College meets the real world #funny #science #work
How to distribute Python modules? #how-to #python
“Treat yourself well. Everyday.” #language
If ghost says you don’t have enough memory.. #administration
Displaying unicode in windows prompts #characters #shells #windows
You think it’s cold where you are? #science
Juggling changes brains #juggling #science #politics #reference
SpaceMonger #administration #tools
Simple tricks for more usable forms #web
Spirit paper model #crafts #space
Speeding C++ links #c++ #how-to
Shampoo bottles #autism #parenting
Printing Unicode from Python #characters #python
Rocket man blog #animation #blogs #space
Buying a laptop on ebay #hardware #online
How to ask for help #how-to #people
M3u files in a tree, take 2 #music #my-code
Things I learned about Unicode today #characters #python
The Sokal affair in Social Text #society
Six degrees of Rod Steiger #math #movies #tv
Freeing MP3s from iTunes #music
Web filtering software #help #parenting
Virtual travelog #blogs #history
December 2003
Browser as desktop ui #python #ui #web
The man behind the motion #funny #movies #video-games
Newspapers US and worldwide #reference
Quick links: dreems, holograms, hypercomic, tinygrow, moovl #comics #quick-links
Bob books #books #parenting #reviews
Nancy Bea Miller #art #autism #blogs #friends-&-family #parenting
How to fold paper in half twelve times #crafts #how-to
Quick links: Characters #quick-links
Quick links: Letters #quick-links #typography
Quick links: Seasonal Fun #quick-links
Poll on homosexual marriage #politics #society
Java musings #exceptions #java #programming-languages #quick-links
National film registry 2003 #movies
Deconstructulator #video-games
PostScript control structures #postscript #programming-languages Geeks in Love #animation #comics
Perforce merge sucks #source-control
Search highlighting #javascript #site #web #python #windows
Behind the typeface: Cooper Black #funny #typography
The museum of HP calculators #hp #hardware #history #obsession
November 2003
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time #autism #books #reviews
The money map #politics #reference
My autistic child in the balance #autism #susan
Take Control electronic books #books
Quick links: Applets, eggs, economists, tetragrams, colors, numbers #art #language #quick-links
Oracle fighting WMD #databases
Storing hierarchical data in a database #databases
Words and expressions commonly misused #language
IE difficulties: font size rounding #css #help #windows
IE difficulties: link targets #help #web #windows
A sufficiently large program #architecture #quotes
Reading: Ray, REST and fallacies
Internet Explorer as an application #browsers
Semantic web difficulties #semantic-web
Do/fix vs prepare/commit/abort #architecture #puzzles
We’ve got the sun in the morning and the moon at night #space
Shirky: The Semantic Web, Syllogism and Worldview #semantic-web
Matrix Revolutions abridged script #funny #movies
M3u files in a tree #music #python
30 search tips in 40 minutes #search
Stencil revolution #art #how-to
Quick links: Relativity; sky; balancing; large; enormous #lego #machinery #math #quick-links #robots #science
Horton Hears A Who! #books #parenting #reviews
Pac-Man implemented in Excel #hacks #video-games
October 2003 #blogs #javascript
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting
Guidelines for focusing on learning #education
Women weren’t designed for homemaking #religion #society
MC Hawking #funny #music #science
Women were designed for homemaking #religion #society
The sound an eye makes #parenting
Amazon full text search #amazon #search
Terror profiles by computers are ineffective #security
Ned Gully: autism and the Red Sox #autism #boston
Google definitions #google #language
Jonathan Coulton’s Mandelbrot Set #math #music
The rite stuff #autism #religion #susan
Chain of trust #malware #security
Unicode test strings #characters
Space cadet keyboard #hardware #history
More on exceptions and status returns #exceptions
Wooly-thinker’s guide to rhetoric #funny #language
Joel on exceptions #exceptions
Objects have failed? #architecture
Computer science history #comp-sci #history
How should I backup data? #administration
Henry Ford and the RIAA #business #history
PDF printing with Ghostscript #pdf #postscript #printing
William Steig #books #obituaries
Kernighan on debugging clever code #debugging #quotes
Juggling with packets #networks
Resign patterns #development #funny
How exceptions really work #exceptions
A client crash hunted down #debugging
Five best and worst things to say to your kids #parenting
SF paper craft gallery #crafts #japan #space #star-wars
September 2003
Metadata is nothing new #semantic-web
Lego inventor game #games #lego
A server crash hunted down #debugging
Child on shoulders game #parenting #walking
How to improve a day #coding #how-to
Rant against web technology #web
Network address translation #networks
I have to buy a computer #hardware
Standards misconceptions #architecture
Proggy fonts #coding #typography
Windows startups #administration #windows
From the Geometry Junkyard #math
Reversing regular expressions #hacks #regex
Exceptions vs status returns #exceptions
Shop Amazon with Treemaps #amazon #ui
New optical illusions #art #science
Spybot search & destroy #administration
Simple virtual hosts with PHP #php
Purr programming #development #funny
Lines of code per month #management
Software apprenticeship #development #education
Retail alphabet game #design #games
3D laptop display with cellophane #hardware
Ye olde thorn and eth #characters
Flying Pig paper models #crafts
Political graveyard #history #politics
Abortion doctor’s killer executed #politics
Monotone distributed version control #source-control
Processing #art #graphics #programming-languages
Master of Fine Arts in Software #development #education
August 2003
Command prompt selection coloring #shells #windows
Perforce support #source-control
When action grows unprofitable #management #productivity
Bob Congdon #blogs #friends-&-family
Engineers are people #management
Glass: solid or liquid? #science
Google calculator #google #math
More mirror project photos #me #photos
Eliyon CorporateAlumni #online #work
Eclipse impressions #ides #java #python
Stroke technique #how-to #swimming
New on Google: synonyms #google #language
Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1 #browsers
DevStudio persistent find #ides #tools
July 2003
Kubi reviewed in PC Magazine #kubi
My boys, the new media artists #animation #art #parenting #robots
Quiet, content-wise #blogs #site
Tamworth calendars #friends-&-family
Genetic algorithm learns to walk #animation #comp-sci #walking
When good interfaces go crufty
Python and Eclipse #ides #osaf #python
Pirates of the Caribbean #movies #reviews
Candy from strangers #architecture
Star Wars alphabet project #lego #space #star-wars
Pinebank, before and after #history #photos #walking
Matrix ping-pong #funny #japan #movies
Wayback machine stymied by squatters #search #web
Post-vacation fun #funny #games
June 2003
World’s longest slinky #art #toys
Alice’s restaurant #movies #music #reviews
Google site search #google #site
Kevin Cornell’s sketchbook #art
William Heath Robinson #art #comics #machinery
Clickmazes again, and SuperMaze #games #puzzles
Will Ferrell Matrix parody #funny #movies
Quick links: Rotation, pixelHugger, visualOrgasm #quick-links
I’m one step closer to being $12 richer #business
Paul Rand’s geometry books #books #boston #design
A good thing about autism #autism
Finding Nemo #movies #parenting #reviews
Bray on performance #development
Quick Python links: MSNbot, Project planning, GD #python #quick-links
Marble Madness #obsession #video-games
Do signatures matter? #art #society
Python main() functions #how-to #python #shells
Peter Norvig #blogs #java #python
Kubi Client reviewed in PC World #email #kubi
Well-written job posting #work
May 2003
Recent Python-URL gleanings #python #quick-links
The dark side of the popularity of weblogs #productivity
Blambot fonts #comics #typography
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie #movies
Eat more words #blogs #books #online
The Google Cluster Architecture #architecture #google
Matrix Reloaded #movies #reviews
Quick links: darcs, Capon, twiddling, xmltramp, meld #algorithms #python #quick-links #source-control #xml
Structural markup nit: headers #web
Perforce vs. CVS #source-control
Hummer mileage disappoints #cars
Progressive lenses #me #science
Streamed Lines #source-control
Helpful meteorite statistic #science
Chandler demo transcript #osaf
Phoenix comes through again #browsers
April 2003
Two links from Bob #how-to #japan
Why Edison lost the record business #business #history
Looking for heap tools #help #tools
Are programmers people? #programming-languages
MIME message structure #email #networks
Quick links: Microsoft, Xanadu, Ozzie #quick-links
Chandler and Vera #osaf #typography
Gardening and agility #dev-mindset
Mutexes and critical sections #concurrency #windows
Memory management glossary #development #reference
Innovative music software: Noodle and Hyperscore #music #tools
Verbose Python regular expressions #python #regex
More Bookmarklets #browsers #css #javascript
Free Paper Toys #crafts #star-wars
Smoke test #language #printing #testing
dispmode can set the refresh rate #my-code
Chaco and MakeMenu #python #tools
Quick links: cvs2rss, Hydra, dynamicobjects, events #feeds #quick-links
Quick links: UPS, alteration, San Serriffe, covers #quick-links
H. S. M. Coxeter, 1907–2003 #math #obituaries
Disappointed in “XML names and addresses” #xml
Robustness Principle #architecture
March 2003
Overheard at a local startup #quotes #spotted #work
Perl shivers and AmphetaDesk #perl
Ultra-conservative RSS publishing #feeds
Python Photo Gallery #photos #python
Quick links: wreckage, evolution, strategies #quick-links
Tomatos are vegetables #science
Local web servers as applications #architecture
Quick links: greed, Milhouse, uri’s, perl patterns #lego #perl #quick-links
Superman birthday cake #cakes #parenting
Error handling in wxPython #exceptions #python
Quick links: leaders, synechdoche, xrefer #quick-links
Nice favelets #browsers #javascript
The best damn cat food any cat ever imagined #comics
Intolerance of dissent #boston #society
What’s so tough about favicon.ico? #browsers
The Tyranny of Email #email #productivity
Nat’s Mini World code #my-code
Past and future #hardware #programming-languages
Matrix birthday cake #cakes #parenting
Naming classes without ‘Manager’ #coding #java
Redefining Asparagus #funny #spotted
Tim Bray’s Ongoing blog #blogs
February 2003
How to be a programmer #dev-mindset #how-to
Placebo progress bars #ui #unix
FingerWorks iGesture #hardware
Homer for Governor? #funny #politics #spotted
Google does reverse phone numbers #google
McSweeney’s Lists #blogs #funny
PictureLogic and nonograms #puzzles
Hornby on autism and music #autism #music
Fish, Codeville, PSP8 #python #quick-links
reStructured Text vs. XML #c# #java #xml
GWB amusement #animation #funny #politics
Brookline Library gala #books #gatherings
Amazon’s recommendation algorithm #algorithms #amazon
Fix Error Handling First #exceptions
Life in the 21st century #email #parenting #spotted
January 2003
The path Python module #libraries #python
Biological clock discovered #science
Rights Amplification in Master-Keyed Mechanical Locks #security
ABC and D #programming-languages
SQLite and Structorian #databases #tools
Python Success Stories #python
Pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, ... #language #math
Stages of Acceptance of Innovation
Erroneously Empty Code Paths #coding
Python’s package metadata repository #python
Hyperspace Star Polytope Slicer #math
Computer Lib/Dream Machines #books #reviews
Humphrey quote #politics #quotes
I’ve been translated into French #site
Ted Nelson and Xanadu #semantic-web
Amazon: sell your past purchases #amazon #business #online
Semantic Web: the new AI? #semantic-web
December 2002
Meetings: None of Us is as Dumb as All of Us #funny #work
Callbacks should always have context #architecture
No pause on Goldmember? #business #tv
VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, UGA, huh? #hardware
Python behind the scenes: Chandler and THE #osaf #python
Crowbars and invisible people #games #law
Comedian #funny #movies #reviews
My disabled son deserves a diploma #autism
STL iterators can be char* #c++
The ACLU and the EFF #politics
Log message style guide #coding
The root cause of lousy software #testing
Huffman compression in Notes #lotus
Validating credit cards #coding #javascript
November 2002
Pixar is the Anti-Lucas #movies
Growing A Language #language #programming-languages and #my-code
Max’s Lego micro AT-AT #lego #parenting
Too many new things #python #quick-links #xml
Picasa and ThumbsPlus #photos #tools
Phoenix and CSS #browsers #css #site
The web is great, part 2437 #music #online
Doom for the Nokia 7650 #games #hardware #phones
Auto-smileys and code don’t mix #im
Project management rant #management
Notes questions from the mailbag #lotus
More-logical alphabets #characters
Pyx: the last thing I need #games #video-games
October 2002
Quentin Tarantino on journalists #quotes
Halloween pumpkins #crafts #parenting
Python discoveries #perl #python
Instrument jokes #funny #music
Notes on postmodern programming #architecture #c# #java
Increase in autism baffles scientists #autism
Character sets and encodings #characters
Massachusetts voters: No on 2 #politics
World’s largest display lit Paris skies #places
Tips from The Pragmatic Programmer #books #development
Apparently I’m evil #blogs #lego #lotus
Two new utilities: ramp and hexdump #my-code
Python’s maturity #java #programming-languages #python
September 2002
Goering on political dissent #history #politics
Evolutionary systems #lego #science
Vigilantism unbound: the Berman P2P bill #law
A Formal Semantics of Patterns in XSLT #xslt
256bytes demos archive #graphics #hacks
The first emoticon? #autism #history
Patents on impossible compression #law
Pyramid robot #politics #robots #science
Conference Presentation Judo #presentations
Flanders and Swann #funny #music
Corey Jackson sketchbooks #art #blogs
Polyglot programs #postscript #programming-languages
Pedagoguery Software geometry models #art #math
August 2002
Richard Napoleon Bonaparte Batchelder #friends-&-family #history
Does anyone still use search engines other than Google? #search
Piet programming language #programming-languages
Obfuscated code #hacks #postscript
Edsger W. Dijkstra: 1930–2002 #comp-sci #obituaries
Google Groups ASCII art #art #google
High-Performance Server Architecture #architecture
July 2002
Pixar shorts #animation #movies
Stephen Wolfram’s unfortunate ego
Flaky coffee grinder #debugging
Mark Fiore animation #animation #comics #politics
June 2002
ILM short: Work In Progress #animation #movies
Wonderful animated type video #animation #typography
Toward a more accessible blog #site #web
The Philosophy of Punctuation #language
Description of a project gone badly wrong #management #work
More of my brother’s pictures #friends-&-family #photos
The federal government shouldn’t decide what we can read #books #law #politics
May 2002
Tales of Mere Existence #funny #movies
Luc Devroye’s font pages #typography
Jamie Kellner: clueless dinosaur #ads #business #tv
Programming with kids #education #parenting
I’ve started posting code #site
Stephen’s Guide to the Logical Fallacies #language
Patrick Batchelder Photography #friends-&-family #japan #photos
April 2002
Bagel abattoir #food #machinery
How to draw a monkey #art #how-to
Building cathedrals #dev-mindset
Method of Swinging on a Swing #law
Code should only do nothing if nothing is the correct thing to do #coding
Another bully of a company “wins” out of court #business
The West Wing Continuity Guide #tv
March 2002
Minesweeper mathematics #games #math
Weasly Starbucks #business #walking
The Handbook of Rhetorical Devices #language
Eisner tries to take the high road #business
Pirate ship birthday cake #cakes #crafts #parenting
Gunnlaugur Briem #blogs #typography
EXSLT #javascript #libraries #xslt
Ever notice? #books #parenting
baxterant #blogs #friends-&-family #politics
What inspired Heinlein? #history #quotes
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica #books #reference
Python: batteries included #python
Coliseum Books #books #history