Monday 18 April 2005 — This is 20 years old. Be careful.
Lately I’ve been trying to keep track of everything on index cards. I like the low-tech approach, and I’ve always been an office supplies geek at heart anyway. It turns out I’m not alone: 43folders has a whole category for index cards. They even go so far as to call a stack of cards held together with a clip a “Hipster PDA”. Jazzmasterson (if that is his real name) has a detailed photo essay demonstrating his index card system. My system is far less elaborate, but works well nonetheless. Low-tech to the rescue!
Two weeks ago, I started trying out the Hipster PDA. It's definitely a keeper; the cards are cheap, easily reorganizable (even transferrable to another "PDA"), come in interesting varieties, and doesn't have any of the problems the notepad had. I keep some sticky notes on one the cards and clip a Pilot G-2 to the stack and it seems nearly the perfect system for me.
Thanks for the link to Jazzmasterson's photo essay… it gives me a few more ideas.
Hey Ned, you should check out Getting Things Done if you haven't already. There's nothing Earth-shattering in the book but, for me at least, it did provide a good set of practices to keep things flowing.
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