Mossberg Tabblo review in the WSJ

Thursday 22 June 2006This is almost 19 years old. Be careful.

Yesterday, Walt Mossberg wrote a great review of Tabblo in his Personal Technology column: A Photo-Sharing Web Site Offers New Services.

We’re of course super-pleased that Mossberg wrote about us at all, not to mention the positive review he gave us. For example:

The Edit Tabblo section was especially impressive. We easily dragged photos all around the screen, seeing which fit in the best places of our collage layout and automatically swapping out other images. It was smooth and quick, exactly like working in a full-blown program stored locally on a PC, instead of a Web site stored on a distant server.

and, offers a clean interface with smart features that save time, and our digital images really looked sharp in all of the layouts that we tried. If you want people to see your photos in a more-personalized way, Tabblo is a good service that will change the way you look at online photo sharing.

Naturally, we had a spike in traffic yesterday, signing up something like ten times more users than in a typical day. The servers hummed along nicely under the load, a relaxing anti-climax that let us get on with the business of building new features and improving old ones rather than fighting infrastructure fires.

It’s really gratifying to work on a product that can be seen and used by hundreds of thousands of real people, and that can get the attention of someone like Walt Mossberg. It’s going to be exciting continuing it into the future to see where we can take it.


Great review. And great service!
Congratulations! Great review.

Btw, I thought that sticking "super" in front of words was a Microsoft-ism. I guess it's spreading.
Give that PR firm a gold star!
That's awesome! Congratulations, both on having a great system that has already made it to the top press, and on having a great system that doesn't fall over when you get a mention in a widely-read publication :).
That's awesome. Mossberg is one of very few tech reviewers with taste, so it's really impressive that he likes your product so much. Nice work!

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