4.2 beta 1

Tuesday 5 July 2016This is close to nine years old. Be careful. 4.2 beta 1 is available.

This contains a few things we worked on during a day of sprinting at PyCon 2016 in Portland. Thanks to my fellow sprinters: Dan Riti, Dan Wandschneider, Josh Williams, Matthew Boehm, Nathan Land, and Scott Belden. Each time I’ve sprinted on, I’ve been surprised at the number of people willing to dive into the deep end to make something happen. It’s really encouraging to see people step up like that.

What’s changed? The biggest change is the only incompatible change. The “coverage combine” command now will ignore an existing .coverage data file, rather than appending to it as it used to do. This new behavior makes more sense to people, and matches how “coverage run” works. If you’ve ever seen (or written!) a tox.ini file with an explicit coverage-clean step, you won’t have to any more. There’s also a new “--append” option on “coverage combine”, so you can get the old behavior if you want it.

A new option lets you control how the text report is sorted.

The concurrency option can now be multi-valued, if you are using multiprocessing and some other concurrency library, like gevent.

The complete change history is in the source.

This isn’t going to be a long beta, so try it now!


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