Wednesday 13 April 2011 — This is 14 years old. Be careful.
Ben’s birthday was a few weeks ago, and we ended up with three different occasions for cakes to celebrate. For the day itself, we honored the animated Karl Pilkington:
For those that haven’t enjoyed The Ricky Gervais Show, it’s an animated cartoon of Ricky’s podcasts discussing anything and everything with his colleagues Steven Merchant and especially Karl Pilkington:
For an extended family gathering, we made cupcakes based on Little Big Planet sackboys:
Finally, for his delayed party, a monstrosity based on Dante’s Inferno, a fascination for Ben:
There are three levels here: the top is suicides turned into trees, the bottom is the icy level with a demon guarding the place, and in the middle is the gluttonous third circle, with tormented souls swimming in their own excretions (don’t worry, just chocolate pudding and Tootsie rolls).
OK, so this is an unusual theme for a cheerful birthday party, but believe me, they loved this, and it’s right up Ben’s alley. Take a look at some of his art: Forgiveness Pt. 2
I read the book "Making peace with Autism" by Susan senator
so i can visit this web-page.
The book is really nice and move me deeply !
I wanto say *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* to Ben, If i may say so.
And the cake is amazing ! haha :D
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