Saturday 1 April 2006 — This is 19 years old. Be careful.
Recently, a lot of people have asked my opinion of the various web frameworks out there, especially Django, Turbogears, and Ruby on Rails. I’ve looked into all three. I’ve been using Django at work for three months.
After carefully looking them all over, I’ve decided that Ruby on Rails is the winner, for a few reasons:
- Rails is the only web development framework in Ruby, so I don’t have to decide between competing frameworks like I do in Python. And isn’t the whole point of a modern web framework to relieve you of some of the hard thinking?
- Django is at version 0.91, while Rails just released version 1.1 a few days ago. Mathematically, 1.1 is 20% more than 0.91.
- Rails is getting all the good press.
- Plus, that whole “significant whitespace” thing in Python just finally got to me.
So it’s on to Ruby for me, although I’ve also heard good things about Erlang...
You did a comparative study and didn't include EJB? Beans are gonna rule the world, dude, and all your interpretive scripting noise will be crushed.
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