Monday 16 May 2005 — This is nearly 20 years old. Be careful.
I haven’t even read all this stuff, much less understand it, but they seem like things in my future.
Dispose, Finalization, and Resource Management is an in-depth treatise on the nitty-gritty details about the end of life for .NET objects. Modern languages seem to prefer not promising much when it comes to destroying objects, and .NET is no different. Some day, this is going to save my ass.
Modern Language Features of Visual C++ 2005 is a detailed overview of the .NET features being added to C++. It seems a bit overwhelming trying to merge the complexity of C++ with the deep new features of .NET, but Microsoft has never been shy about loading on developer features. I think their strategy is to guarantee developers have enough Microsoft choices in front of them that they feel like they’re choosing among technologies without ever considering a non-Microsoft offering.
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