Geek clock

Sunday 7 June 2009This is almost 16 years old. Be careful.

I really like this math geek clock:

Math geek clock

I find the labels intriguing. Two I didn’t understand, and had to look them up: 1 is Legendre’s constant and 4 uses a negative modular exponent. The only one I don’t like is 3, because it isn’t a number, it’s a numeral. It isn’t a value that evaluates to 3, it’s a character entity that displays “3”.


That's not the numeral "3", that's "3!" otherwise known as 3 factorial, which evaluates to 6...
Whoops, I missed which "3" you meant, my bad...
Jon-Pierre Gentil 1:46 AM on 8 Jun 2009
What nerd clock wouldn't be complete without something that nerds could pick apart as some sort of inaccuracy or flaw? :)
Looks like sloppy LaTeX on the “(mod 7)”.
@Kevin: yes!!, should be
2^{-1} \pmod 7
Yes, the mod7 needs the space...
If you're not happy with this clock, here are two worthy substitutes:

pop quiz clock:

triple 9 society clock:
It's supposed to be a clock. My contention is, they should all be numerals.
I have a similar clock on my iPhone called Analog Geek Clock and I like it :)

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