Look around you

Sunday 23 July 2017This is close to eight years old. Be careful.

I’ve been trying my Instagram experiment for a year now. I’ve really liked doing it: it gives me a prompt for looking around me and seeing what there is to see.

One of the things that surprised me when I looked back is how many pictures I took in a very small area, one that I would have thought of as uninteresting: the few blocks between where I swim in the morning, and where I work. Of the 197 pictures I took in the last year, 38 of them are from that neighborhood:

Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot
Something I shot

I’m not saying these are all masterpieces. But I wouldn’t have thought to take them at all if I hadn’t been explicitly looking for something interesting to shoot.

Look around you: not much is truly uninteresting.


Projects like this or a 365 project in Flickr are fun. They certainly give you a goal: take a (possibly themed) picture and a deadline: TODAY! that can help motivate you, make you look deeper around yourself or just get out of a photo funk.
Eric D Hanchrow 4:10 PM on 23 Jul 2017
Somehow your photos remind me of those from someone I follow on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/en321/ She seems to take her camera everywhere, but the bulk of her pictures are within a few blocks of home (upper Manhattan).
Metropolitan Storage was a favorite among MIT students. If you stood in the right place, the painted sign on the building would say "RAGE WAREHOUSE, IRE PROOF".
I really want to put a sign that says "Are you sure?" on the NOT ART graffiti on the fake-building-facade on Main St. Because it kind of is.

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