
Sunday 8 July 2007This is more than 17 years old. Be careful.

Every once in a while, someone writes to me about my business card cube page, asking if they can use the instructions and illustrations for a project of theirs. Often, it is for the back of their business cards. I readily agree, on the condition that they give me credit, and send me a few of the cards. Usually, that’s the last I hear of it. Whether this means they decided not to use the illustrations, or they used them and never bothered to send me the cards, I don’t know.

Jennette Fulda was one of these requesters, and today I got a handful of her business cards in the mail, complete with my cube illustrations on the back. She uses the online moniker PastaQueen, and has a blog named Half of Me, so named because she has lost half of her body weight (she’s reduced from 372 pounds to 180)! As she puts it, “I’m currently working my ass off, literally.”

This is an impressive achievement, and she is writing about it with honest good cheer. Being a technical person, she is also documenting it with spinnable 3D progress photos. Bravo.


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