Tuesday 18 July 2006 — This is close to 19 years old. Be careful.
Dead2.0 writes anonymous snarky reviews of new web services, full of jabs about how stupid they are, or why they will fail. But his latest post is 11 Suggestions For Not Being a Dot-Bomb 2.0, which is a really good list of success criteria for small companies. Stuff like “Have a revenue model”. OK, so it isn’t all subtle tricky stuff, but the fact is, plenty of sites get launched that seem to have overlooked these basic tenets of running a business. It’s a good list to keep in mind, and in a nice touch, it ends with “Ignore the hype and have fun”.
He also points off to a lot of other interesting pages discussing similar issues. My favorite was Web 2.0 or Star Wars Character?, a quiz to determine if you know the difference between meebo and dooku or django and jango. I scored 35, “As your doctor, I recommend moving out of your parents’ basement.”
41-42: No, really. Go outside or something. Ride a bike. Run barefoot through the grass. Get a pet. Anything.
0-10, Luddite: 0.0003
11-20, zen balance: 0.3801
21-30, Kool-aid: 0.6169
31-40, leave basement:0.0027
41-42, go outside: 1.0755e-10
43, Mike Arrington: 1.1369e-13
So, someone with no knowledge of Star Wars or web 2.0 will be a Kool-aid drinker 2056 times more often than a Luddite if he or she tries to answer all the questions.
Oh yeah, I recognized 7, guessed on the rest, and scored a 30, so I'm either a cheating Luddite or really like Kool-aid.
The fact is, social networking sites suck. The fact that the hype is so out of proportion with reality could in fact imply it's still up for grabs.
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