Sunday 23 July 2006 — This is close to 19 years old. Be careful.
One idle afternoon in the summer, Ben (8) was playing with some Silly Putty, and asked, “How come no one does claymation with Silly Putty?”
No one had an answer, so with Max (14) as cinematographer with a still camera, Ben started animating. Fifteen minutes later, we had this basic proof of concept:
It can be done! Silliputtimation is possible!
BTW: this is the first video I’ve uploaded to YouTube. They do a good job of the process, making it very straightforward to get content on their site. I liked their wording for three-option radio buttons, for example, for allowing comments on videos. The choices are “Yes”, “No”, and “Kinda”, meaning moderated.
Cool Video; congrats to all!!!!
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