Saturday 12 April 2003 — This is 22 years old. Be careful.
Two programs that experiment with new ways of creating music on computers.
Noodle is a a clever sound loop palette. A dozen or so “instruments” are presented in a zodiac-like arrangement. Clicking on the instruments start them playing. Each instrument has a few different sounds it can make. The sound loops are expertly constructed so that any combination of them sounds good together. The genius of Noodle is that you can’t go wrong. Also, the interface is totally unique: distance from the center “sun” controls volume, dragging the sun capsule to the edge saves the current configuration, and you quit by clicking through a tear in the screen to the OS below.
Hyperscore is a different beast, more of a real music construction kit. First you create snippets called “motives” (motifs?), and assign them to pen colors. Then you draw with the pens on your music canvas to construct scores. A few different harmonies can be automatically applied.
Both are worth checking out for their unusual approaches to interacting with music. Noodle gives the impression of playing with art to make music. Hyperscore feels like the ultimate intuitive interface to writing music.
Yeah, that's great, but I like my interfaces the way they are. I hate it when something decides it's better than the rest of my stuff and does things its own way.
That also goes for people who use code like href="javascript:" Ned. It's annoying to middle-click to open your comments box in a new window, and be presented with a completely blank window.
If you really *must* open comment boxes in a new window (why ffs?) at least do it properly, with an onclick event (and a suitable fallback for the href. Like this:
<a href="foo.php" onclick="bar(); return false;">
(oh and another thing: there's no indication whatsoever as to what kind of code you allow in comments. Plenty of people allow HTML, plenty of people don't. I had to mangle my example to be sure it didn't disappear (no preview either).)
btw, you might like to know you are completely vulnerable to a cross-site scripting attack. Something to fix, pronto.
I've seen a lot of Domino/Bloggers/Musicians on the net, and I've very glad to see that you like music too.
I play Blues, but I do some eletrtonic music too. and I use FruityLoops. Not the guys released FLStudio, that includees Real time audio recording, MIDI integration, SW sintethyzers, Loops etc.
BTW, your comments system is ok :-P
Theory: somebody could use the xss hole in your comment system to grab your cookies. From there, perhaps your password to your blog (I haven't investigated in detail). Most people use the same password across multiple applications - so I'm guessing your blog password is the same as your email password. Voila: access to your email account due to choosing a low-quality third-party blog commenting system. Who knows what else they could get into from there. It's not nice, and plenty of kiddies out there have the spare time and inclination to do so.
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