Blu’s Muto

Tuesday 13 May 2008This is nearly 17 years old. Be careful.

Blu is a street artist from Argentina. He’s taken graffiti to a whole new level, creating animations on walls and sidewalks. His latest is Muto which is both a technical tour de force and an eye-opening creepy animation:

Not only did he work in the less-than-ideal environment of the sidewalk, but it meant that he couldn’t have more than one frame in existence at a time, with no possibility of reworking old frames or sketching out new ones. Once the frame was shot, the work was destroyed. Amazing.


Fucking class!
That is amazing. Now THIS is art.
This is really, really, cool.
This is freaking amazing!!!
That is by far the most amazing movies I've ever seen. One of the many reasons I come back to your blog.
It`s fantastic! 0_o
sinnergonetohell 12:55 PM on 22 Nov 2008
that maybe the freshest....most dramatic art that is out there
it was amazing and i hope that the artist does much more and can make a very nice living off of it
Wunderbach !
fantastico Ned
this is just fantastic! but please someone explain to me how he did it! Above it says "Once the frame was shot, the work was destroyed" - meaning?
Seen this ages ago but yeah, nice work! :D
That is so cool n awesome!! i adore u now! hehehe! love it!
i mean i adore the artist! hehe :p
you think this is cool, check out schlomo mendleson and the barmitzvas on myspace.
Brillent, true art!!
Amazing piece of work. The link to his homepage is incorrect. You have "wwww" instead of "www" . Hopefully people can figure that out.


I linked to your link. Let's try that again.
madd good. this is skill
fucking hectic shit. sort of disturbing but oh so cool.

the slurping sound freaks me out LOL.
That was fucking insane. You win at life.
best animation movie i saw in ages ~
Actually he is from Bologna, Italy...
blu is not from Argentina, he is from Bologna/ Italy....

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