Low-tech and high-tech films

Sunday 14 November 2004This is over 20 years old. Be careful.

More along the themes of The Incredibles vs. The Polar Express: Here are two short films in roughly the same niche: science fiction about giant machines. But the production techniques and values of the two couldn’t be more different:

  • Rockfish is 3D animation of the highest quality by Blur Studio. A lot of work went into it by a lot of people, with truly astounding results.
  • Walk-Smash-Walk is a Flash movie, the solo work of Sakupen, a 19-year-old student from Seattle.

Yet with all the differences in the production of the two movies, there’s little difference in the story-telling impact of each. I’d actually give Walk-Smash-Walk the edge. Filmmakers should put story-telling first, and technology second. Like many other people, they concentrate on technology when they should be focusing more on connecting people together in whatever way they can.

BTW: Sakupen’s other movie is Dad’s Home, which is more of a traditional cartoon, but also very well done.


I liked both films but don't see why you give the story telling edge to Walk-Smash-Walk. Rockfish was a classic man and his dog-thingy story wrapped up with a classic 'the one that got away' fishing story. While not perhaps as universally appealing as Walk Smash Walk's little dude that could story, I thought they did a great job of bringing it to life. Infact, I found it reminicent of in some ways to John Muir's classic dog story Stickeen:
I really liked Walk-Smash-Walk. I really didn't find Rockfish very compelling at all. But I watched them at different times, so maybe it was just my mood at the time.

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