Thursday 20 January 2005 — This is more than 20 years old. Be careful.
I finally implemented a categorization scheme for this blog. It was interesting going back over the last three years and trying to see patterns in the posts. In the end, I created 77 categories, some of which I couldn’t have predicted. I didn’t realize I’d made 12 posts about Lego, for example. And going through the movie posts, I almost made a separate category for The Matrix.
As of now, I haven’t actually categorized everything. There are still lots of uncategorized posts, because it’s hard to identify their buckets. (Also, I got tired of doing nothing but categorizing old posts). I didn’t want to make one gigantic “Writing Software” category, but I don’t know what to call some of the smaller buckets within it. For example, what do you call the topics about how to design classes and modules? Pattern topics would go into it, but it isn’t just patterns.
Why not implement categories as tags instead of a heirarchy? When you allow multiple tags on an entry, problems like this go away - the entry gets tagged with "design", "patterns", and whatever else you want.
Just a thought.
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