Graph paper printer

Tuesday 27 May 2003This is almost 22 years old. Be careful.

I had need the other day to do a little isometric sketching, and remembered the triangular graph paper on which I had doodled in my youth. Back then it had seemed a precious commodity (although I could easily buy more at the local stationery store). Of course, this being the Internet age, we don’t walk to a store to buy pre-printed paper, we download fabulous software like Graph paper printer and print it ourselves.

This modest program does one thing, and does it very well. Any type of graph paper your heart could desire is available here, completely customizable. Start simple with rectangular, move into polar and logarithmic, try some perspective, explore the esoteric like handwriting and music paper, and then finally print some target practice sheets. Below is the Escher-like Smith chart, which wins the award for least-interesting name paired with the most-interesting appearance.

Smith chart


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