Monday 19 January 2004 — This is exactly 21 years old. Be careful.
On a C++ project, we’d been finding the build getting slower and slower. The link phase in particular seemed to take an inordinately long time, much longer than our experience would indicate that it should. Here’s what I did about it.
Watching the output of a verbose linker session, we suspected the number of exported functions, and in particular, the number of functions defined in header files. Functions defined in header files have to be compiled into the .obj files of every .cpp file the headers are included into. Then it’s up to the linker to sort them all out and keep only one.
So we suspected the header-defined functions. The first thing I tried was moving a whole pile of code-generated getters and setters from the header files to the .cpp files. This improved the link time, so the theory looked like a good one.
But how to figure out which other functions were real culprits? We’re developing with Microsoft Visual C++, and it turns out they provide a handy tool called DUMPBIN which will dump out the contents of various binary files produced by the compiler (.obj, .lib, .dll, etc). In particular the /DIRECTIVES option will show the linker directives in the object file:
$ dumpbin/directives strutil.obj
After running this output through UNDNAME (which undecorates C++ mangled names), we have readable names of the functions exported from the object file:
/EXPORT:public: __thiscall CStr::CStr(unsigned short const *)
/EXPORT:public: __thiscall CStr::CStr(class CReaderStream *)
/EXPORT:public: void __thiscall CStr::AttachToStream(class CReaderStream *)
/EXPORT:public: __thiscall CStr::~CStr(void)
/EXPORT:public: void __thiscall CStr::SetAllocSizes(int,int)
/EXPORT:public: class CStr & __thiscall CStr::Append(unsigned short const *,int)
/EXPORT:public: __thiscall CStr::operator unsigned short const *(void)const
/EXPORT:public: unsigned short const * __thiscall CStr::GetString(void)const
/EXPORT:public: int __thiscall CStr::Length(void)const
An /EXPORT directive is included for each function exported from the object file. So a quick collation of the export directives for the object files will show where to try to move functions to alleviate the problem.
I wrote a quick Python script to run DUMPBIN over all the .obj files, collate the information together, and print a report showing what functions were duplicated the most among the object files:
import os, path, sys
tmpout = r'\foo\dumpbin.out'
sExportPrefix = ' /EXPORT:'
dFuncs = {}
p = path.path('.')
for obj in p.files('*.obj'):
fDbOut = open(tmpout, 'w')
fDbOut.write(os.popen('dumpbin/directives %s' % obj).read())
fUndname = os.popen('undname '+tmpout)
for l in fUndname.readlines():
if l.startswith(sExportPrefix):
sFunc = l[len(sExportPrefix):].strip()
vFiles = dFuncs.setdefault(sFunc, [])
maxCount = max([len(v) for v in dFuncs.values()])
bynum = [[] for i in range(maxCount+1)]
for f, v in dFuncs.items():
for i in range(len(bynum)):
if bynum[i]:
print "\n\n\n--- %d occurences -----" % (maxCount-i)
print '\n'.join(bynum[i])
(Note: this was a quick hack script. There are probably better ways to have done much of it. I could have run UNDNAME once over the final output rather than once for each object file. There are no comments. I misspelled “occurrences”. I know. It doesn’t matter: it worked.)
The script provided very useful information. It showed that there were 90 functions that were compiled into every one of our 125 object files. Some were straightforward: a commonly-included header file contained a class with two dozen small getters and setters. They were easily moved into the corresponding .cpp file.
Some were more surprising: I’d forgotten about the auto-generated copy constructors and assignment operators. Since these are generated for you by the compiler, they must be inserted into every object file, and then be resolved by the linker.
For many of our classes, we don’t need the copy constructor or assignment operator at all, so we can simply suppress them completely with a macro:
// Prevent auto-creation of unneeded assignment operators.
#define NO_ASSIGN(T) \
private: \
T & operator=(T const &); \
T(T const &);
Simply using this macro in a class definition will turn off the compiler’s generation of the functions. Making them private ensures that no code uses them. You don’t even need to provide a definition for them, since no one is calling them.
After much of this analyzing and fiddling, and more helper macros along the lines of NO_ASSIGN, I had reduced the list of functions in all objects to only eight:
--- 125 occurences -----
public: __thiscall CLogStreamer::~CLogStreamer(void)
public: __thiscall CStr::CStr(class CStr const &)
public: __thiscall CStr::CStr(void)
public: __thiscall CThreadListeners::CThreadListeners(class CThreadListeners const &)
public: class CDateTime & __thiscall CDateTime::operator=(class CDateTime const&)
public: class CStr & __thiscall CStr::operator=(class CStr const &)
public: class CThreadListeners & __thiscall CThreadListeners::operator=(class CThreadListeners const &)
public: void __thiscall CComInit::`default constructor closure`(void)
The link time had been reduced by 80%. There’s more that could be done (those CThreadListeners are calling out to me!), but I think I’ve passed the point of diminishing returns.
i've worked on a lot of big projects with *long* link-times, and no one ( including myself! ) put in the thought you did. we've all just written off the time as un-fixable. next time the issue comes up i will try your ideas out.
i'll be curious to see if recent versions of visual studio have the same problems.
one thought:
there's a lot of functions that are useful to have in headers, things you might explicitly want to inline in "final" or "optimized" builds -- and yet, for debug builds, most configurations in visual studio will expand those inlines into functions so you can debug them. i could imagine using separate .inl (inline implementation ) files that you could compile into their matching .cpp files during debug builds, but still allow to inline during final builds, thus providing the benefits of both worlds.
p = path.path('.')
for obj in p.files('*.obj'):
With: (Remember proper indentation):
dirname = os.path.abspath(".")
for obj in os.listdir(dirname):
if obj.endswith(".obj"):
obj = dirname + obj;
import os, path, sys
import os, os.path, sys
I will try it~
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