Saturday 25 February 2006 — This is 19 years old. Be careful.
An enterprising coder has posted a visual side-by-side comparison of monospaced fonts: 18 Monospace fonts comparison screenshot.
I’m still using Lucida Console for console windows and plain-old Courier for code. There are a lot of programmer’s fonts out there, but they seem to be designed by programmers, so they feel awkward to me.
Dog dog;
Fox* fox;
if (!::JumpsOver(fox, dog))
// WTF? do something here
(that was surprisingly fun to write)
- it has the "can I tell 1 from l or L?" problem, BIG time
- it's among the least readable fonts you can put on a computer screen
And monospaced fonts are *all* among the least readable, so I don't count that against Courier. In the sample you point to, Courier is the only monospaced font included. It could well be that Courier is the most readable of all the fonts compared.
In any case, I'm trying out Lucida Sans Typewriter. It's more compact than Courier, so I can see more code at once.
It's only officially available as part of the Windows Vista betas. But some wily haX0rs have zipped 'em up and made them available for download. I recommend you thake them up on their offer.
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