Post 2000

Wednesday 8 April 2009This is 16 years old. Be careful.

This is my 2000th blog post. My 1000th post was over four years ago. Interesting things have happened since then:

Apart from specific posts, there are larger themes. I’ve written occasionally about disability (most recently, Obama’s special joke), and have been touched by the people who contact me because of it. My blog is mostly about software and things of interest to software types, which maybe makes it more special that I can sometimes reach the sub-culture of software types living with a disabled child. It isn’t something we engineers feel comfortable discussing, but it’s an important aspect of our lives, so it’s good to give it some air time now and then.

More times than I can recall, I’ve written blog posts to explain what I know about a topic, knowing that I will know even more after reading the comments posted here. This is incredibly valuable to me, both because of the knowledge gained, and as a reinforcement of community.

The volume of posts here has waxed and waned with the availability of time, and my interests during that time, but I’ve always valued the connections I make via this site. Thanks everyone, for helping to make it what it is.


Thank you, Ned. I don't even recall if I ever contributed some comment, but since I discovered your blog (a couple of years, more or less) I have read all of your posts.

A nice retrospective Ned.
Ned, Always nice to read your blog and it was nice to meet you in person @ PyCon this year longer than in 2007 which amounted to me running up to you to give you a t-shirt.
Nice post, Ned. Here's to continuing to enjoy your blog & posts.
Hi Ned. This week I posted my 2nd blog posting. That's right: 2 (two). I wonder if I will ever get to 2000. I've spent a lot of time recently contemplating the purpose of blogging, the strange state of having no idea who's reading it, and the trouble it might get me into (being ever-so-slightly opinionated). So far it has made me feel good, and reading your blog is part of what inspired me to go for it. So, thanks. Keep blogging!
Thanks Ned! I've enjoyed every some of the posts that I read.
Keep going!
Congratulations! I love your blog because it opens a mysterious world (software) to me. Also, you frequently turn up something which I find fascinating (favorite example: EconTalk). Your politics are quite similar to mine, so it's fun to read those posts. You and Susan are trailblazing the path that Nancy, Henry, and I will be following soon, so that information is good. And last but not least it's a pleasure to participate in the amazing technology of our times, and to think back to the time when I first met you and all of this was just a sparkle in your (and a lot of other geeks)eye. Here's to the next 25 years!

Hey Ned, belated Congratulations on your 2,000th post! Way to go!

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