Thursday 13 November 2003This is over 21 years old. Be careful.

I usually adopt technology slowly on this site. I’ve never put up a FOAF file, and my bookmarks are not available in OPML. I don’t support trackback or pingback. I’m still not even entirely sure what Atom is. But I’ve decided to jump on the LOAF bandwagon. I think it’s the kind of universally useful technology that will find application on lots of sites. And its elegantly minimalist specification ensures widespread adoption.


The kind of clear code that leaves no questions. Some of the implementations shown on that site were the only bug free code I have ever seen.
So what the heck is LOAF? I tried following through some links, but it didn't become at all clearer.
Someone should make some powerpoint slides.
I agree with Ian. Hi Ned! Sans Dimas High School Football Rules!
Bob Dylan sued Apple over the Dylan programming language.

LOAFers better be careful, Mr. Loaf (http://www.meatloaf-oifc.com/meat/oifc1.htm) may be litigious as well.
LOAF takes a minimalist approach, leveraging existing standards to spur analysis and forward thought. Beautiful stuff.
Is it me, or does LOAF have the familiar scent of vapor? Like Ian, I went to the site and clicked on the "What is LOAF?" link. The resulting page said absolutely nothing! (I find that to be more irritating than non-linked footnotes.) Then, Chris Raser's equally vacuous description only adds insult to injury.
No, it's definitely not vapor (or vapour), there are already implementations out there.
It's definitely paradigm-shifting. Incredibly elegant implementations all-round.
... Astounding in it its simplicity. Well done!
stupidest. meme. ever.

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