Asserts and implication

Wednesday 28 July 2004This is over 20 years old. Be careful.

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time reading assert expressions like this:

assert( id->locktype != NO_LOCK || locktype == SHARED_LOCK );
assert( locktype != RESERVED_LOCK || id->locktype == SHARED_LOCK );

The combination of the not-equal and the logical or is difficult to parse out into an understandable condition which is being asserted as true.

I encountered these today, and put my boolean algebra to use.

It turns out that logical implication (a ⇒ b) is equivalent to (¬a ∨ b). The latter is just the form of expression we have in the asserts above. So these are really just if-then’s compacted down into expression form. In English, they say:

If id->locktype is NO_LOCK, then locktype has to be SHARED_LOCK.

if locktype is RESERVED_LOCK, then id->locktype has to be SHARED_LOCK.

Perhaps a better way to do this would be a macro for the purpose:

#define IFTHEN(x, y) (!(x) || (y))
assert( IFTHEN( id->locktype == NO_LOCK, locktype == SHARED_LOCK ))
assert( IFTHEN( locktype == RESERVED_LOCK, id->locktype == SHARED_LOCK ))

or, if you like really messing with people’s heads:

#define IF(x)   (!(x))
#define THEN(y) || (y)
assert( IF( id->locktype == NO_LOCK ) THEN ( locktype == SHARED_LOCK ))
assert( IF( locktype == RESERVED_LOCK ) THEN (id->locktype == SHARED_LOCK ))

Of course, you could also do the reasonable thing:

if (id->locktype == NO_LOCK) {
    assert(locktype == SHARED_LOCK);
if (locktype == RESERVED_LOCK) {
    assert(id->locktype == SHARED_LOCK);

If the assert code is compiled away, the entire if statement will be also, so there’s nothing lost, and much understandability is gained.


Yes, but your way doesn't allow me to show off my l33t boolean algebra skillz.

What about if I convert...

assert(obj_is_valid(x) || x->blah == STATE_INIT);

if (!obj_is_valid(x)) assert(x->blah == STATE_INIT); IMO, if you really don't like boolean algebra, you want something like assert_if();. Ie.

assert_if(!obj_is_valid(x), x->blah == STATE_INIT);

...both of which go away with NDEBUG set.

Too stiff, easily broken. Too soft, easily crashed .
Uh... do you have the same problem parsing "if" statements? It's the same thing.

if ( !pointer || pointer->thing == BLAH_BLAH )

For example.
And besides, assert statements are crap. Lead to sloppy crash handling - no chance to log an explanatory message, no chance to clean up whatever might need to be cleaned up, et cetera. Much better is something along the lines of:

if ( horrible_condition )
Log ( "blah blah blah, %d", horrible_condition );
exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Sorry if that doesn't indent - I think that this comment board strips leading whitespace from lines.
And I just read the paragraphs besides those on the front page, to which I say:

GOD no, don't make #defines like that. #defines for virtually any purpose besides making simple literals are a pox. And even for simple literals, consider using stuff like const shorts and enums instead of #defines.
Well, I disagree that "assert statements are crap". See my Asserts article, for example. I do agree that there is a subtle line to be drawn between asserts and explicit error checking like you propose.

And I generally agree with you that #defines can be hugely abused. Sometimes they are the lesser of two evils.

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