Saturday 1 January 2005 — This is more than 20 years old. Be careful.
Happy New Year everyone!
I have to say this about New Year’s Day though: I don’t like special occasions, for two reasons:
- There’s pressure to do something special with it.
- There’s inertia not to do something special with other days.
For example, everyone’s making resolutions today. Why today? Shouldn’t we be introspective and purposeful the rest of the year? Why can’t I make resolutions on February 5th or October 18th? Everyone tries to make their birthday special by doing just what they want to do. Why can’t I do what I want to do every day?
And since we’ve just left the Christmas season, how about maintaining a little good will toward others the whole rest of the year? Hallmark shouldn’t dictate our mood.
So my resolution for the new year: treat every day as special, regardless of the position of the Earth in its travels around the sun.
So my resolution for the new year: be open to treating any day as special, regardless of the position of the Earth in its travels around the sun.
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