Leaving Tabblo

Sunday 14 November 2010This is over 14 years old. Be careful.

My last day at Tabblo and Hewlett-Packard is in five weeks. It’s been almost five years since I joined Tabblo, and three and a half years since HP acquired us.

It’s been a really interesting experience. First, building a consumer web site in a startup environment, launching it, and encouraging its growth. Then steering the group within HP, a large complex environment, equally as chaotic as a startup, but along different dimensions.

HP allowed us to do deals we never would have on our own: a book editor for Disney, applications promoted on the Myspace front page, print buttons on AOL.com. It’s been fascinating to adapt our code to new applications, test the flexibility of our abstractions, and build new experiences at times faster than we did as a startup.

But the large company environment is not best for me. The challenges are becoming more organizational than technical. I’m ready for new problems. I’ll be freelancing, something I’ve never tried before. I already have a few really interesting possibilities lined up.

I’ll miss the people and work at Tabblo, but it’s time to go. On to the next.


Congratulations and good luck in whatever you do next ;)
It feels like just yesterday that I came to your house to be interviewed by your kids to see if you could go work at this crazy startup!

Exciting things to come!
Congrats Nedley! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Congrats and best wishes for what's next.
Good luck with your endeavors. Im sure HP doesnt quite realize what it will be missing when you are gone...
Exciting times ahead Ned! Many congratulations on making the move, and I wish you all the very best in your new endeavours.
Good luck. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.
Congrats on leaving the Borg. It takes guts to do these days. It should be an interesting adventure.
Congrats, Ned. Let 2011 bring new and rewarding challenges.
Congrats. Please let us know where you're going when you get there.

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