Brooklyn bridge

Sunday 30 November 2003This is more than 21 years old. Be careful.

I was in New York over the weekend, and walked over the Brooklyn Bridge, which I had never done before, despite having grown up in Manhattan. In college, I wrote a History of Science paper about Roebling and the bridge, so I have long been interested in it. My brother Patrick (the photographer who specializes in New York architecture) came with us, and we had a good time on the Bridge, and then in SoHo.

Patrick told us how they are considering letting pedestrians up to the top of the towers, and we couldn’t quite figure out how they’d manage that. Then Charles Miller happened to describe his family outing to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, so I guess it’s possible. If they set it up in New York, I’m so there.

Brooklyn Bridge photo


Isn't "Andrew" actually "Charles"? ;-)
Right you are! I can't imagine what I was thinking. It's fixed.
The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge is such an amazing story. As an undergraduate at RPI I remember seeing some of the amazingly detailed drawings and designs of the bridge done by Washington Roebling. Roebling received his Civil Engineering degree from RPI and they have a large collection of his papers.
According to my tour guide from the weekend, the Brooklyn Bridge is the first planned expansion for the company that runs the Sydney bridge-climb. I wouldn't hold my breath though. What with all the negotiating and bureacracy, it took almost ten years for them to get permission to climb the harbour bridge.
Lucky you. I was also in NY this past w-e but didn't find time to go across the bridge again. I did it the first time I went to NY though. It was windy and cold as hell; while checking buildings on the skyline with a handy guidebook I had taken along, I was shocked by how many of them were around 70 years ago or more. NY has been so modern for so long.

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