Thursday 23 September 2004 — This is over 20 years old. Be careful.
Tony Ramos runs what he calls Tony’s PowerPoint Weblog, or “The Internet’s first business weblog dedicated to PowerPoint, presentations and related topics.” To me, Tony seems a bit clueless about the web. By formatting the entire blog as one huge bullet list, he has unintentionally mocked the entire PowerPoint culture. His tagline is overblown: are there weblogs anywhere else but on the Internet? And the disclaimer at the top of his page: “(Due to the fluid nature of the web, I can’t guarantee these links will work past their original posting date.)” Yes, that’s the way the web works.
Checkout Beyond Bullets at Not a lot of posts, but very thought provoking. Even with the help this guy provides it's hard to get out of bullet mode.
San Dimas High School Football Rules!!
And where is the dark blue background? And the yellow font? This guy is clueless!
• Cluelessness about the web: I'll admit some. I have little time to become an expert in coding. Got a business to run.
• Mockery of the entire PowerPoint culture: It's not worthy of some mockery?
• Overblown tagline: I could probably rewrite that.
• "Fluid nature" of the web: I'll admit I cribbed that line from several sites I had seen, including those of Robert Cringely, Fermilab, O'Reilly Books, and others. (Click "What's a 'blog'?" above and left, read closing paragraph.)
Thanks, all! -- Tony
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