Saturday 5 June 2004 — This is almost 21 years old. Be careful.
A co-worker had a little statuette of Quisp on her shelf. When I first saw it, I was really excited to see him and pointed him out to others. Being younger than me, they were baffled. Quisp? What’s Quisp?
This is important stuff, so if you aren’t familiar with Quisp, and especially his epic battle against his rival Quake, study up. Here are two good resources:
- Topher’s Breakfast Cereal Character Guide, which has commentary about the characters.
- Cerealville, which is a collection of pictures of cereal boxes.

I will have to watch Kill Bill again because I didn't notice the Kaboom reference. After my fling with Quisp, Quake (and the Captain), I became a tried and true Kaboom convert. I must have had 10 of the little plastic Kaboom hand puppets that came in the box.
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