Saturday 22 November 2003 — This is over 21 years old. Be careful.
Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, the down-to-earth wizards who wrote The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master, have a new series of books out called The Pragmatic Starter Kit. They’re short focused books on in-the-trenches topic like version control and unit testing. If they are anything like the first book, they’ll be fantabulous.
I was already familiar with the idea TDD and common tools, and had read Beck's book. I -was- short on practical application of the idea, and this is where the Prag book shines. The book uses JUnit, but the concepts apply to any xUnit suite.
I don't know CVS at all, and the Version Control book centers on it (though again, the concepts apply to pretty much any VC system).
All the shops I've worked in have used version control of some manner, but Prag's coverage and recommendations on the use of version control go much farther than I've previously done.
There's a lot worth learning in them. Recommended to all developers new and old, right before their first book, and McConnell's Code Complete.
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