
Wednesday 26 December 2007This is more than 17 years old. Be careful.

Asymptote looks like a really full-featured technical drawing programming language. It makes a wide variety of drawings. They seem very proud of the LaTeX typesetting, but when I look at those drawings and see Knuth’s Computer Modern fonts, it screams out for some real typography. Those fonts now seem as much a marker of time and place in technology as the plotter-based Hershey fonts did.


Am I the only person who likes CM fonts? I just hate to pick up my TAOCP books any more. After reading a few pages of any of them I cannot read any other printed text for a while. The text and typesetting pretty much anywhere else is just ugly.
I don't understand the "modern typography" comment at all - the CM fonts are excellent, and I really like them. All they say to me is that the document was produced by someone who knows what they're doing.
I guess it's just a matter of taste. I think Knuth did a great job with TeX, but I'm not sure he's a great type designer. The fonts seem spindly to me, and too limiting. I'd prefer to have more choice of typeface, rather than having TeX imply Computer Modern.
Tex doesn't require computer modern. There are the AMS fonts for one. There are also various packages to use your favorite standard type I fonts. The problem is that there aren't many fonts out there that really provide a full set of tex math symbols. Since many of us who use some derivative of tex need many of those symbols, we tend to stick with CM for a consistent style.

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