Monday 24 January 2005 — This is exactly 20 years old. Be careful.
So far, we’ve survived what is being termed “Blizzard ‘05”. We got between two and three feet of snow, including drifting:
Compare it to my Snowcakes picture of two years ago.
The town of Brookline (like the city of Boston) has closed school for two days, which seems completely unwarranted. Better safe than sorry, I guess.
Damien appears to be building up a lot of anti-sympathy for the next time a hurricane hits the Carolinas :)
Here we had more than two feet of snow; with the howling winds, a drift in front of my house is about 8 feet high! On the other hand, my driveway has been cleared of all snow by the wind :-)
From up North, in Nova Scotia, Canada :-)
I'm living in CT now, and compared to Quebec, this is, while not warm, a lot less painful...
Hmmm, in fact, I guess the relative winter temperature upgrade from Qc->CT is about the same as from MA->NC :)
Seriously though, New England winters suck. And as a person who lives in a warmer place I feel it is my duty to remind New Englanders how much it sucks, just in case they might have convinced themselves otherwise. And I will never get my comeuppance. Never!
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