Thursday 23 June 2005 — This is almost 20 years old. Be careful.
A friend (you may know Nosh) put together a Google Maps hack: Iraq War Casualties Map. It plots Iraq war casualties on a map of the US, showing their hometown and other information. I find it sobering.
I only wish there was some way that the "pin" silhouettes could scale appropriately to the size of the map: when zoomed out all the way, they cluster together so badly that there's no way to get an idea of the actual scale, and the map looks a lot more filled than it actually is. And by the time you zoom in to where the scale of the pins fits the scale of the map, you're about four or five zoom levels in and you can't see the whole map anymore.
I don't see a way to fix that problem, though: Google's "pins" weren't designed to scale, since they weren't expecting to have hundreds of them on-screen at once.
I think you would see that in the scale of human conflict this is a small price to pay to attempt to bring stability to that part of the world.
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