Juggling changes brains


"Causes changes in brain" does not imply "good for you".

Not by a long shot.
the articles says juggling changes the brain....who said this change is beneficial? the article sure didn't. qed
The author of this blog did.

"Turns out juggling isn't just fun and geeky, it's also good for you: Learning to Juggle Causes Changes in Brain."

QED backatcha.
how is it good for you? if he does not even attempt to explain it...how can you believe him?
You guys are giving persons like us a bad reputation. If persons can't get along with other persons, then dammit, what kind of persons are they? Not very good persons, thats what. I'm outa here. PERSON POWER!
What if the added connections being formed in the brain cause Alzheimer type plaques and thus rapidly take us toward some form of memory loss; not to mention that if you juggle knives, you increase your risk of causing damage to your cranial dome.
With all due respect, Person 2, you're not refuting my point. You're backing it.

Read what I said again.

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