Brian Okken and I recorded a podcast some time ago (September 2022) about my scriv project and other adjacent topics: Avoid merge conflicts on your CHANGELOG with “scriv”.
We talked about:
- How scriv works
- The importance of keeping information in git (not just GitHub)
- The difference between commits and a changelog
- The value of hand-written changelogs
- Other projects of mine: dinghy, cog, coverage
- Boston Python
- Versioning schemes: semver, calver, randver(!?)
Because this was recorded in September, a few things are slightly out of date. I mention that Python 3.11 is coming out in October, but that meant last October, not this year’s. When Brian asks me what else is going on, I don’t mention the PyCon 2023 keynote, because I hadn’t even gotten the invitation back then.
It’s always a good time chatting with Brian. Give it a listen.
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