Math factoid of the day: 53

Tuesday 16 June 2015This is almost ten years old. Be careful.

53 is a hex-palindrome: 5310 = 3516, or in programming terminology: 53 == 0x35.

In fact, the only numbers with this property (other than the trivial single-digit numbers) are multiples of 53:

53   =3516=   53 × 1
371   =17316=   53 × 7
5141   =141516=   53 × 97
99481   =1849916=   53 × 1877
8520280   =082025816=   53 × 160760

Update: I asked for a proof of this on, and I got one!


is there any prominence for the sequence 1, 7, 97, 1877, 160760....? have ever thought of that...!!!

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