Tamworth calendars

Friday 25 July 2003This is more than 21 years old. Be careful.

The little town of Tamworth, New Hampshire started a trend by publishing calendars featuring townspeople in the all-together (tastefully done, of course), and selling them for charity. The first round of calendars raised $125,000, so they’ve made a new set for the coming year.

My father and step-mother live in Tamworth, and they are Mr. and Ms. July in the new calendar. Dad is the guy day-dreaming in the hammock:

Dad, naked, in a hammock


I am speechless. On this site, there is nary a photo of YOU, Mr. Batchelder, yet we get to see the raw bits of your father?
I admit it's pretty unfair. But, I didn't volunteer to be in a nudie calendar!

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