Web frameworks, seriously

Sunday 2 April 2006This is 19 years old. Be careful.

Just to make sure everyone understands: yesterday’s post declaring Ruby on Rails the winner in the web framework wars was a joke. I hope no one thinks I might choose between two competing technologies because one’s version number is numerically greater than the other’s, even in part. As far as I’m concerned, none of the reasons I gave yesterday is a good reason to choose a technology. And I still love Python’s significant whitespace.

I’m sure Ruby on Rails is deserving of most if not all of its current hype. I’ve never used it. In truth, my opinion of the different frameworks is that I don’t really have one. I’m a Python guy, so I use a Python framework. I’ve tried Django and Turbogears, and both seemed like excellent pieces of software. Until I started my current job using Django, my only exposure to both was to complete their tutorials. Web.py seems lean and hip, but I know nothing about it.

Now that I am a full-time professional Django user, I like it very much, but I can’t even remember how it differs from Turbogears, except for the URL mapper in Django, which I always liked better than the object mapping technique Turbogears inherited from CherryPy.

So I use Django, but I had no part in choosing it at work, the code base was well established by the time I got there. I’d love to have an in-depth knowledge of the different frameworks, and a cogent and meaningful comparison of Ruby on Rails to the other technologies, but I don’t. Right now I’m quite well occupied learning all the corners in Django, and building a product.


Ned, yesterday's post was very well done. It was ludicrous enough, so that if you paid attention, you got the joke. It was plausible enough that if you didn't pay attention, you bought the line. That is exactly the way an April Fool's joke should be. Being a numbers geek, I particularly enjoyed the line about the statistical significance of the version number. I thought it was your best post, since the one about how shoveling snow off the driveway is like writing software!

Then you do this....I am so disappointed in you. If an artist has to explain his art, then it is not art to being with, eh?
You think Picasso was playing a huge April Fool's joke on us all with all those weird-ass looking people in his paintings?
Personally, I think the answer is yes, but I know for sure, he wouldn't have ever come right out and told us.

Even though yesterday's post was quite amusing, I for one enjoyed this one more. I like seeing how people think and how Ned doesn't seem to have a fanatical unswerving loyalty to some particular framework (even though he and I are using the same framework at the moment). I love hearing the pragmatic line of thought saying, "Django works. I'm using it at the moment and trying to dig in. There may be something better, but I'm spending my time trying to learn Django rather than trying to convince my boss why (s)he ought to let me use {{insert web framework flav-o-the-month}}."
i like python,and i like rails too.so i switch to pylons after learning a little django and turbogears.
I thought someone had slipped lead in your water or something. :)
Hey nud....thats interesting too!
But..the one bout' statistical significance of the version number was awesome.

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