Blog: 2012
These are the 48 blog posts for 2012. Older is 2011. Newer is 2013. There is also a complete archive.
December 2012 3.6b3 #coverage #my-code 3.6b2 #coverage #my-code
Implementing rpartition #python
Kim’s Python lesson #education #friends-&-family #python
November 2012 3.6b1 #coverage #my-code
October 2012
Multiple inheritance is hard #python
September 2012 v3.5.3 #coverage #my-code
Gems all the way down #gems #python
Mocking #python #testing
Removing overlapping regex matches #gems #python
August 2012
Selecting randomly from an unknown sequence #algorithms #python
Fixing broken Unicode #characters #python
July 2012
My Mom got married! #cakes #friends-&-family
Bad answers on Stack Overflow #education #online #python
June 2012
tl;dw: Speedily practical large-scale tests #pycon #testing
Eval really is dangerous #python #security
tl;dw: Stop mocking, start testing #pycon #testing
May 2012
Be the guy #friends-&-family #work
Tabblo’s last day: May 30 #hp #tabblo v3.5.2 #coverage #my-code
April 2012 v3.5.2b1 #coverage #my-code
Python iteration presentation #presentations #python
March 2012
What files should coverage measure? #coverage
Breaking out of two loops at once #python
Pragmatic unicode #characters #pycon
February 2012
Cog 2.3: Python 3 plus a few extras #cog
Linotype #history #movies #printing
January 2012
Decorated fabric over the edge #python