Rex Parker does the NYT crossword puzzle

Monday 26 May 2008This is almost 17 years old. Be careful.

I stumbled across an unlikely blog: Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle. The title is not ironic. It is a daily entry by Rex Parker describing his completion of the New York Times crossword puzzle. Rex is a very serious cruciverbalist, apparently the 55th best solver in the universe, working seven to ten daily puzzles and four Sunday puzzles.

His descriptions of doing the puzzle are long and detailed, but surprisingly readable and interesting. He peppers them with illustrations of the answers, bits of trivia, opinions on the construction of the puzzle, and so on. And his blogroll points off to other crossword puzzle blogs, a gateway to an entire subculture of the blogosphere.


Can you tell me how to find this blog from week to week? We get the NYT one week later, but no matter how I try to search for Rex Parker's blog in every variant I can imagine, I still am directed to one and only one puzzle - July 27, 2008. I CANNOT get off that July 27 site, no matter how I try. Can you please tell me the key to finding his site week after week?
Mary Sue, If you go to you'll arrive at the most recent puzzle blog. At the top left of the screen there's a search field. If you enter the date(s) you'd like to get to, you should be appropriately redirected. I read the blog daily if possible. Hope this helps you find what you're looking for.
best wishes and God bless.
harry hartshorne 10:51 PM on 7 Aug 2009
Like Mary Sue, I have trouble finding the answers to the Sunday puzzles. Using the blogspot suggested by Alex got me nowhere H.H.

P.s. I emailed Rex Parker telling of my problem and he got very indignant saying there was no problem. H
I think Rex is so intelligent and doing great job in the world of word game. keep it up..
try going to the bottom of the page and click on earlier blogs

Just google “rex parker crossword blog” and Bob’s your uncle

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