Google Maps Street View

Thursday 31 May 2007This is almost 18 years old. Be careful.

I’ve been having fun playing around with Google Maps Street View. Max described it as “Nat’s World on steroids”.

Only a few cities are covered right now, but one of them is New York, so I could tour around and see things like The Dakota (classic apartment building where John Lennon was shot), the World Trade Center site, the Apple Store (Max’s request), and my childhood home.

Oddly, almost all of the streets in Manhattan are covered, but not all. In fact, one of the streets I wanted to see is not: Jumel Terrace, home to the Morris-Jumel Mansion, the oldest house in Manhattan, and Washington’s headquarters for two months during the Revolutionary War.

Other stuff about Street View:


When I first checked this out I immediately thought of Nat's world. Pleased to see I can virtually walk to my front door of my apt building. They did all Manhattan!

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