Tabblo 8, Flickr 7

Tuesday 7 November 2006This is over 18 years old. Be careful.

Wired magazine has a year-end gadget guide called Wired Test. Nestled in among reviews of digital cameras is a sidebar reviewing photo-sharing sites. They reviewed 5 sites: Buzznet, Flickr, Tabblo, Webshots, and Zooomr.

They liked Tabblo best, giving it an 8 out of 10. Flickr got 7, Webshots and Zooomr 6, and Buzznet brought up the rear with 4. Their summary of Tabblo was,

Superior customized templates tell a story through images and words. Web-based apps let you zoom in and edit shots right in the browser. Order posters and prints when you’re done. The best part? No ads.

None of Wired Test is online, but here’s a photo of the entire matrix.


That's great news, Ned. It's nice to see Wired recognizes the unique value of Tabblo. Congratulations!
Nice! That's huge publicity. Congrats to you and the team.
Wow, that is so great, Congratulations Ned! It is only a matter of time till Tabblo World Domination.... :-)

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