Ben Folds: The Bens

Tuesday 23 December 2003This is more than 21 years old. Be careful.

Ben Folds has been recording new music, and releasing it on five-song EPs. The first two, Speed Graphic and Sunny 16, are traditional Ben Folds recordings: strong thoughtful songs with strong piano. The third one has just been announced: The Bens is a collaboration with Ben Lee and Ben Kweller, and is more of an eclectic mix.

You can order all three at Ben Folds’ online store. The first two are also available at iTunes: Sunny 16 and Speed Graphic.


remember when rock stars looked like rockstars? the bens look like 3 librarians at a bridge tournament.


try this tasty alternative
Ben Fold once referred to his music as "punk rock for sissies".

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