SpaceMonger v2

Sunday 7 January 2007This is more than 18 years old. Be careful.

I first wrote about SpaceMonger about two years ago, and mentioned at the time that a shareware version was coming. My disk was down to less than 2Gb free today, so I was about to spark up the trusty old SpaceMonger to find out what was taking all the space, when I decided to look into what had become of its promised follow-on version.

I downloaded SpaceMonger 2.1, and was not disappointed. There’s a common problem among shareware products: the author starts out by building a simple product, but then wants to add features to make it interesting enough for people to buy it. But rather than extend the utility of their utility, they simply slather on as many configuration options as they can. So what started as a small program remains a small program, but with a huge options dialog.

SpaceMonger also has many configuration options, some of which seem a bit gratuitous, but it is clearly a leap beyond SpaceMonger v1. Version 1 felt like a proof of concept, version 2 is much more usable, adding a number of new ways to see your disk usage. It’s also very nice looking (apart from the themed UI, which refuses to look like the rest of my desktop). At $20, it’s well worth it.


It doesn't do everything that SpaceMonger does, but jDiskReport [1] is a pretty good way to get a view of what is on your hard drive. Its also cross platform which SpaceMonger isn't, something thats useful for those of us not using Redmond's finest operating systems.

For Windows, I used to use SequoiaView but lately have been using WinDirStat. I have found it really easy to use and it's free.
Although nowhere near as full-featured as SpaceMonger, I've been happy with the freeware app Scanner, which shows your disk usage as a concentric pie graph. It's very visual and very simple to identify what's taking up all the room.
I love SpaceMonger! When I saw the new version costs money I simply downloaded version 1, it does what I needed it for.
There is also whatsize which does the job pretty well
for KDE, Filelight works well enough for me; it's very much like the abovementioned Scanner. I really don't like the "boxed" approach of SpaceMonger, I find it confusing.
Another vote for jDiskReport. Lightweight and informative.
Don't forget the Python powered tkdu
...found it.

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