Tuesday 29 June 2004 — This is close to 21 years old. Be careful.
A friend chided me for not putting the full text of my blog entries in my RSS feed. He made a number of good arguments, including showing me how my site looked on his phone (crappy). So now I am providing two RSS feeds. The classic feed, with the first paragraph of each entry, and a full text RSS feed with the entire text (and images if any) of the entire post. Enjoy.
The clever XSLT styling trick doesn’t work right for the full feed in Firefox, though it does in IE. Oh well. And the feeds don’t strictly validate, but I don’t care. Maybe someday.
By the way: does anyone know of an emulator for the phone browsers? Another “some day” task: I might also try to make the site look better on those dinky screens.
See http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/
This is how a lot of PalmOS application software is developed and tested. Since all of the popular Palm device ROMs are available for download you can test software without actually owning each of the devices.
The browser (Blazer) is part of the Treo ROM image and works just fine in the emulator. It's a little weird to see on a PC but you get the same experience as with a real Treo. All the other software that relies on TCP/IP (such as the Mail app) run just fine in the emulator as well.
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