Blog: 2011
These are the 51 blog posts for 2011. Older is 2010. Newer is 2012. There is also a complete archive.
December 2011
Keep data out of your variable names #python
Stop SOPA #business #hp #politics
Deleting files, keeping a few #how-to #unix
Duplicitous Django settings #django
November 2011
Advanced Mercurial branches #source-control
Caveman #browsers #my-code #tools
October 2011
September 2011
What’s in which Python 2.x? #python
The latest HP circus #business #hp v3.5.1 #coverage #my-code
Online Python exercises #education #java #python
Software’s prime directive #development #tools
August 2011 v3.5.1 beta 1 #coverage #my-code
Max is off to NYU #cakes #friends-&-family
Stack ninjas #debugging #hacks #python
How we do it in Boston #gatherings #presentations #python
July 2011
Getting started testing #presentations #python #testing
Caged Python #presentations #python
June 2011
Photographs and time #art #photos v3.5 #coverage #my-code
Running coverage on your tests #coverage #testing
Long-running restartable worker #python
Books for Ben? #books #friends-&-family v3.5 beta 1 #coverage #my-code
Filenames with accents #characters #python
May 2011
Grandma O, world traveller #cakes #friends-&-family
Teaching (and learning) Python #places #python
Running a database from a ramdisk #databases
The Walk #autism #comics #walking
How settrace really works, or doesn’t #coverage #python
April 2011
Pilkington, LBP, and Inferno cakes #cakes
A JavaScript lexer in Python, and the saga behind it #django #javascript #python
March 2011
Two Pi Day puzzles from PyCon #math #puzzles #pycon
Quick and dirty multi-threaded Django dev server #django #how-to
Boston printing office auction #boston #history #printing
February 2011
PyCon presentations, Hollywood style #communication #presentations #pycon
How to not get reputation points on Stack Overflow #how-to #online