Wednesday 4 January 2006 — This is more than 19 years old. Be careful.
In a comment on a recent post, Bob pointed out that the title (which has an apostrophe) acquired a backslash in the comment form. He politely asked,
I refrained from answering sarcastically, “No, I like the extra backslash. Doesn’t it make me look cool?” In any case, I have now fixed the bug. It took me on a renewed tour of the travesty that is magic quotes, and led me to find a number of places I wasn’t doing quoting properly. I have strings passing from cookies, to PHP, to SQL, to HTML or JavaScript embedded in HTML, and finally back to cookies again. There are many handoffs between different quoting regimens, and that means lots of chances to do it wrong.
I think I finally have it nailed, but then again, I thought that last time...
While we're on the subject, your email-address filter still gets me every time. It doesn't like (have to use instead), then it turns "@" to "(at)" and "." to "(dot)" during preview but won't accept the result coming back. I still end up having to change my email address by hand (twice!) every time I comment here.
Also: you shouldn't have to deal with the (at) thing. That is accepted incoming as a legitimate address.
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