WebInno 6

Tuesday 9 May 2006This is nearly 19 years old. Be careful.

Last night I attended the Boston Web Innovator’s Group sixth meeting, otherwise known as WebInno6. It’s a fairly informal event. There were about 100 people, and two companies are pre-chosen to present their products in about 10 minute presentations. The rest of the time is shmoozing with the other attendees, like a meetup.

The two presentations last night were:

  • Julian Bourne of ProxPro, a mobile phone app for getting you together with business guys you want to get together with. Think of it like a mashup of LinkedIn, your favorite social networking site, and Google Maps, all running on your cell phone.
  • Margaret Olson of Plum, which is a web collection site, meaning as you surf, you can collect pages into Plum, where they are archived, organized, and presented as you like.

The two products seemed interesting enough, but frankly, both Julian and Margaret need to polish up their presenting skills. I could easily imagine more compelling and dynamic demos of their products in the ten minutes allotted.

There were four other companies doing “side-dish” demos, but I didn’t see any of them.

Also covering the event were Brian and Glenn from BostonWTF. Brian took a lot of photos. Three of us from Tabblo were there wearing identical obnoxious red T-shirts, so we’ll probably show up pretty well in the snaps.


I was supposed to be keeping the presentation to six minutes!
What was that place where you all went out for drinks afterwards-- "the t bar" or something?

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