Ban Comic Sans

Friday 15 November 2002This is over 22 years old. Be careful.

I’ve always disliked Comic Sans, the childish typeface on Windows systems that seems so popular with apparently everyone else. It’s not that I think comic book lettering is a bad design for a typeface, I’ve always felt that Comic Sans lacked grace or style. It seems deliberately cramped and awkward. It’s surprising considering the other work by the same designer (Vince Connare).

So I was encouraged to see others share my distaste for the face. Ban comic sans is proposing a guerilla sticker campaign to ban Comic Sans. It won’t work of course, but I have to admire their typographic passion and sticker chutzpah.

The typographica entry also has a link to a Typophile forum message about the campaign. BTW: I love the Typophile banner ad:

Typophile banner ad


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