Sunday 20 June 2004 — This is almost 21 years old. Be careful.
Damien Katz is a good friend, and a hell of an engineer. He’s looking for short-term contracting work. If you have a project that could use a kick-ass C++ developer, you’re not going to find better. I’ve worked with him at Kubi Software, and at Iris, and would eagerly work with him again. He tackles the thorniest tasks with gusto. As an example, he completely rewrote the Notes formula engine for Notes R6, improving both its functionality and its performance while he was at it. Take a look at his resume, and give him a call.
Sorry, sorry. Hey, someone out there hire Damien. He's a sharp guy -- he rewote the Notes formula compute engine and lived to tell the tale.
As for the viral resumes.... Fly my pretties, fly!
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