Blog: #reference

These are the 23 blog posts about reference materials:

27 Dec 2009:

The Historical Thesaurus of the OED  also: #language

27 Oct 2007:


19 Oct 2007:

Wikipedia quick search  also: #search

9 Sep 2007:

SI prefixes  also: #science

8 Sep 2007:


21 Oct 2006:


2 Oct 2006:

Cameras and Wookiees  also: #star-wars

10 Feb 2006:

Zillow  also: #typography

16 Dec 2005:

Wookieepedia  also: #obsession #star-wars

20 Oct 2005:

More Unix cheat sheets  also: #unix

23 Jul 2005:

Online etymology dictionary  also: #language

5 Mar 2005:

The book stops here  also: #online

24 Oct 2004:

Atlas of Presidential Elections  also: #maps #politics

28 Jun 2004:

Downloadable JavaScript and DHTML reference?  also: #javascript #web

13 Mar 2004:

Mathematical background  also: #math

23 Jan 2004:  also: #politics

29 Dec 2003:

Newspapers US and worldwide

23 Nov 2003:

The money map  also: #politics

22 Nov 2003:

Recipezaar  also: #food

20 Oct 2003:

13 Apr 2003:

Memory management glossary  also: #development

27 Oct 2002:

What time is it?

14 Mar 2002:

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica  also: #books

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