Monday 21 February 2005 — This is 20 years old. Be careful.
Cω (get it? C-omega, the last C) is an extension to C# from Microsoft Research. It provides native XML and SQL support, but more interestingly, it provides new models for asynchrony. In particular is the notion of asynchronous methods, and the even more exotic “chords”. A chord is a method body associated with a number of method signatures. The body runs only once all of the method signatures have been invoked!
The C Programming language was a sucessor to a language called B. B was a scaled down version of the BCPL language. As the story goes, it's not clear whether the next language would be P (the next letter in BCPL) or D.
I agree with Damian. I'm sick of all of these silly minimalist language names derived from C. Java is syntactically similar to C/C++. They didn't called it C' or C+- or C1996 or whatever.
Advice to the C-omega team: just make up a new friggin name. Name it after your cat, your favorite type of apple, something, anything. Heck, call it Bob. Microsoft isn't using that name for anything these days. :-)
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